June 2023

Joseph & Mary holding the Child Jesus in her arms

Growing up I knew about God and the Holy Family but not really about the saints, so maybe I was supposed to learn about them on my own?

Jesus, son of God and son of Mary, bless our family.  Graciously inspire in us the unity, peace, and mutual love that you found in your own family in the little town of Nazareth.  Mary, mother of Jesus and our mother, nourish our family with your faith and your love.  Keep us close to your son, Jesus, in all our sorrows and joys.  Joseph, foster-father to Jesus, guardian and spouse of Mary, keep our family safe from harm.  Help us in all times of discouragement or anxiety.  Holy family of Nazareth, make our family one with you.  Help us to be instruments of peace.  Grant that love, strengthened by grace, may prove mightier than all the weaknesses and trials through which our families sometimes pass.  May we always have God at the center of our hearts and homes until we are all one family, happy and at peace in our true home with you (Missionaries of the Holy Family).

St. Martin of Tours  As a child I often wondered about the decal on the wall above the front door.  We didn’t have pictures on display, so the man on the horse had to have been special.  But, who was he— and why was he slashing his red cloak in two?  Although I never thought to ask then, I now know that St. Martin of Tours is known for social justice and racial harmony.

Lord God of hosts, you clothed your servant, Martin, the soldier, with the spirit of sacrifice and set him as a bishop in your Church to be a defender of the Catholic faith.  Give us grace to follow in his holy steps that at the last we may be found clothed with righteousness in the dwellings of peace.

St. Jude Thaddeus…  Mom once took my younger brother and me to visit an outdoor shrine.  “Look!” she said.  “St. Jude has only one horn left to show that his evil gave way to good.  He betrayed Jesus, but God’s unconditional love transformed him; and now he’s the saint of impossible causes.”  At age nine, the story made no sense but, years later, I learned that Judas Iscariot is sometimes confused with St. Jude, who, at times, is depicted with a tongue of fire over his head to acknowledge his presence at Pentecost.

St. Jude, through prayer you praised God for the wonderful works of Jesus.  You asked God for the strength to meet the challenges of your apostolate.  You put your trust in God’s mercy, believing firmly that God loved you and understood your joys and sorrows, your hopes and fears, and your triumphs and failures.  You understood that nothing is impossible for God.  We ask you to pray for us now before the Most High so that we, too, might be filled with God’s saving power; understand God’s will for us; and faithfully place ourselves in God’s loving hands.

St. Anthony of Padua…  At age thirteen, my great-aunt, Tía Queta, introduced me to her beloved saint.  A faithful companion, St. Anthony has inspired me to venerate the Child Jesus.

Holy St. Anthony, your deep faith in Jesus Christ comforted your heart, especially during times of trial and distress.  Help me to grow in faith, so I may experience peace of mind and heart in my present needs.  (State request.)  Free me from undue anxiety, needless worry, and burdensome fears.  Grant me sure confidence, unfailing trust in God’s loving mercy, and daily serenity.

St. Thérèse…  Over the years, too, I learned that St. Anthony is often displayed near St. Thérèse, since they’re both closely affiliated with the Holy Infant.  The church in Budapest, Hungary, for instance, has the two saints facing each other from opposite sides of the center aisle.

Lord, grant that I may always allow myself to be guided by you, always follow your plans, and perfectly accomplish your holy will.  Grant that in all things, great and small, today and all the days of my life, I may do whatever you require of me.  Help me respond to the slightest prompting of your grace so that I may be your trustworthy instrument for your honor.  May your will be done in time and in eternity by me, in me, and through me.

Looking back, I’m grateful that God’s master plan for me has included not just a heartfelt devotion to the Child Jesus, but also budding relationships with his beloved saints who are always ready, willing, and able to intercede for us any time we choose to call on them.

Divine Infant Jesus, I know you love me and would never leave me.  I thank you for your close presence in my life.  Miraculous Infant, I believe in your promise of peace, blessings, and freedom from want.  I place every need and care in your hands.  Lord Jesus, may I always trust in your generous mercy and love.  I want to honor and praise you now and forever.

June mailing (English & Spanish)

Joseph & Mary holding the Child Jesus in her armsText: St. Jude, St. Anthony, St. ThereseJoseph & Mary holding the Child Jesus in her armsText: St. Jude, St. Anthony, St. Therese

Top left: St. Martin of Tours / top right: St. Martin's relicTop: St. Anthony, St. Michael, St. Therese / bottom left: side altar with Infant of Prague altar / bottom right: side altar with two angels on either side of the relics & saint statues above & belowTop left: St. Martin of Tours / top right: St. Martin's relicTop: St. Anthony, St. Michael, St. Therese / bottom left: side altar with Infant of Prague altar / bottom right: side altar with two angels on either side of the relics & saints statues above & below

Left: side altar with statues of St. Therese, St. Anne with Mary, & St. Anthony / right: statue of St. Anne & Mary reading from a scroll    Left: St. Anthony of Padua / right: St. Therese of Lisieux

Left: side altar with statues of St. Therese, St. Anne with Mary, & St. Anthony / right: statue of St. Anne & Mary reading from a scroll    Left: St. Anthony of Padua / right: St. Therese of Lisieux

(Prayers without citations are from the internet.)


Blessings 2024…  April 2024…  February 2024…  January 2024…  March 2024

Blessings 2023…  April 2023…  August 2023…  Christ’s glory…  Christmas 2023…  December 2023…  February 2023…  Flame within…  God’s gift…  January 2023…  July 2023…  Love’s heart…  March 2023…  May 2023…  November 2023…  October 2023…  September 2023

Blessings 2022…  August 2022…  December 2022…  Journey’s light…  July 2022…  June 2022…  Kiss of God…  May 2022…  Mourning joy…  November 2022…  October 2022…  October saints…  Presence…  September 2022…  Sight…  Sitka’s St. Michael…  St. Michael prayers

St. Joseph

Stained-glass window of St. Joseph holding Jesus - Holy Rosary Cathedral - Vancouver, Canada

I love, love, love Joseph so much that our youngest kid bears his name, one of two, just like my brother.  And, for years— dare I say decades— St. Joseph has been shadowing me, like the time we visited St. Bonaventure in Detroit and, suddenly, I shimmered within sensing something, someone, very near.  I looked up from my camera and— whoa— there he was, looking ever so statuesque just three feet away.  Goosebumps!  And, it seems that, wherever we go, he beckons, as he did for us to belong to St. Joseph’s parish and for me to start the church blog.  So, naturally, I was all ears to hear this evening’s homily at Vespers.  Thank you!


Today’s homily, recorded, transcribed, and edited, was delivered by the Very Reverend Stanley Galvon, rector at Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Cathedral in Vancouver, Canada.

So, as you could tell from the gospel, this is all about St. Joseph.  Pope Francis has given us this year to focus on him.  He’s a bit of a mysterious figure in Bible in that he doesn’t say one word, but maybe that’s okay.

Someone said the most important part of conversation is the pause between words and, in the case of Joseph, it’s a long pause because he really doesn’t say anything at all.  But it’s how he’s present and how he’s doing things that’s so helpful for all of us in crazy times as these are.  And you can tell from the gospel reading from St. Matthew that Joseph was involved in crazy times as well.


First, he was ordered to go to Bethlehem to register even though his wife was very pregnant and travel arrangements were very primitive.  And, then, once the child was born, it seems that the three kings, the Magi, tipped off Herod that this child could be a competitor; so Herod decided to eliminate the problem by eliminating the child.  Kind of what we see these days in terms of solving your problems by violence.  That’s ongoing human twist thinking: Solve your problems with violence.

We have, then, Joseph in a dream being told to go to Egypt.  So, that’s not like jumping on a little commuter plane and flying to Egypt.  In those days there was everything from robbers to bad people along the way of any route and, in this case, soldiers from Herod who were chasing them.


There’s a delightful story about tinsel.  If you’ve ever seen a Christmas tree with those silver streamers on it, it’s called tinsel; and it comes from a legend about Joseph, Mary, and Jesus.

On their difficult way to Egypt, Herod’s soldiers were almost catching them, so Joseph hid the family in a little cave.  And there was a spider inside the cave that, somehow, was used by God to quickly weave a web at the entrance to the cave.  So, when soldiers were about to go into the cave, they saw the spider web.

“No one has disturbed that spider web,” they said, “so they can’t be in there.  Let’s go on.”  So, that’s where the legend led to the use of tinsel on Christmas trees.


It’s a delightful story, but behind all of this is the idea that God works with people in difficult times.  And, part of the difficulties these days is how each of us is trained because it’s handy to have good manners— to say “thank you,” things like that— but moral training is also really important, which is why Joseph was very special: He protected Mary and Jesus from people like Herod, and he trained Jesus.

You might say, “Well, Jesus is God, so he doesn’t need training.”  Well, that’s kind of the mystery of who Jesus is.  He’s totally God, but he’s also totally human, without any kind of contradiction between the two of them.  It’s a mystery how that works.  But, in any case, Jesus had to learn things.

The Book of Proverbs says: “Train up the child in the way he should go and, when he is old, he will not depart from it” (22:6).  That’s a big challenge to parents about things a child has to learn— languages, culture, religion, government, values, customs, conventions— so, if you don’t learn those as a child, you’re not trained in them.  And training involves more than being taught, since training goes from your head to your heart where something lasts.  So, if a child doesn’t learn these things in the heart, then what can happen?


Let’s talk about another little person to give us a sense of what this might mean.

We’ve all heard about Moses, born to Amran and Jochebed from the priestly Levite tribe at the time when Israelites were getting stronger.  A new pharaoh, who didn’t like the idea of the Israelites having children, came onto the scene and commanded that all the boys of Israelites be killed, while the girls could live as slaves.  Amran and Jochebed hid Moses by the Nile and, when the pharaoh’s daughter went for a bath, she saw the child in the basket and wanted to care for him.  Then, with her approval, Miriam, sister of Moses, managed to place the child with their birth mother so that he passed for an Egyptian prince— until he murdered one of the Egyptians working with the Israelites and had to leave the palace.

So, Moses was the great, courageous leader of the Israelites about fifteen hundred years or so before the time of Jesus.  The Israelites had been slaves in Egypt for four-hundred years and, at that right time, God wanted them to be freed from slavery; so God chose Moses to lead them to the Promised Land, the land of milk and honey.

The story goes along in the Book of Exodus: God calls Moses and Aaron, the brother who becomes high-priest and spokesman for Moses, who takes on the pharaoh.  And their sister, Miriam, is a prophetess, but also a complainer.  The three siblings took on a mess but, because their parents had trained them as best they could, they didn’t forget who God was even after they had sinned.  And, somehow, they came back into God’s graces.

Similarly, Joseph and Mary trained Jesus in his ways of understanding the goodness and character of the heavenly Father.  So, where does that leave us?


The encouraging message is that, despite our strengths and weaknesses, we can always come back to God and “be diligent, intentional, continually seeking ways to weave the goodness and character of God into the day’s events” (Deuteronomy 6:6-7).

St. Joseph reminds us that our heavenly Father is still training us.  We’re here at Vespers tonight because of the training we received somehow, somewhere.  This is our opportunity to thank God for that training and to pray for others: our parents, children without parents, parents who are discouraged or twisted up somehow.

Our prayers can help!  We are not alone.  Joseph, representative par excellence of our heavenly Father, is praying for us, too, in ways deeper than words can convey.  So, I’ll finish with a little prayer that Pope Francis wrote to thank St. Joseph.


Hail, guardian of the Redeemer, spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary, to you God entrusted his only son.  In you, Mary placed her trust.  With you, Christ became man.  Blessed Joseph, to us, too, show yourself a father and guide us in the path of life.  Obtain for us grace, mercy, and courage.  And defend us from every evil.  Amen.

September 29, 2021

Those who give themselves to prayer should in a special manner have always a devotion to St. Joseph; for I know not how any man can think of the Queen of the angels, during the time that she suffered so much with the Infant Jesus, without giving thanks to St. Joseph for the services he rendered them then (St. Teresa of Ávila).

Vespers altar: Holy Rosary Cathedral - Vancouver, Canada

Links of interest…  Aaron: brother & spokesman…  Amran: father of Moses…  Books: Deuteronomy (about) / Exodus (2:1-10about – summary – videos) / Proverbs (about)…  Christmas spider: books / legend / ornaments (more) / poem / story / tinsel…  Jochebed: wise woman…  Miriam: prophetess…  Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Cathedral: architecture / bells / crucifix / history / Mass: archiveslivestream / vespers (pdf) / website / windows…  Moses, Miriam, & Aaron challenge God…  Pope Francis on St. Joseph / proclaims year of St. Joseph…  St. Joseph: for fathers / eight powerful prayers / quotes / Wednesdays…  Who were the Levites

WP posts…  Beatitudes…  Blessed blessing…  Collective heart…  Corpus Christi…  Foundation…  Freedom…  God’s love letter…  Graces shared…  Heaven…  Mary’s gifts…  Most Holy Trinity…  Perfect prayer…  Salt and light…  Sunset…  Truth

Three visits

Severe weather had been predicted in the Coastal Bend and the surrounding area, so we chose to get ahead of the deluge.  Instead of driving to Cotulla the morning of the Texas Tropical Trail monthly partner event, we left home mid-morning the day before.  And, sure, we experienced rain— intermittent water bursts, showers, and the cat-and-dog variety— but the sun was its usual bright self when we arrived.

June 18, 2018

Settling in at the hotel Steven searched churches online.  “Sacred Heart Church has daily mass at six this evening.  You interested?”

Churches fascinate me so, naturally, I was curious.  We arrived half an hour early to take photos before Mass.  We’d been to a few churches by the same name— not that they’re anything alike— but, walking into Sacred Heart, Our Lady of Good Counsel in Brownsville came to mind.

One woman led the rosary as others took turns introducing the decades.  Afterwards, Sister approached the ambo to tell us about the framed picture of Our Lady of Perpetual Help.  She explained that, because Our Lady’s powerful intercessions are miraculous, the group would petition God for a permanent priest.

When the first-day novena prayers ended, people began to leave.

I approached Sister to ask about Mass, and she explained that Sacred Heart has been without a pastor for three years.  The elderly retired priest who celebrates Mass in the interim has Monday off, so daily Mass is Tuesday through Friday.

Others had comments, questions, or just wanted to bid Sister goodbye so I turned my attention to the couple that lingered a bit on the way out.

Although they were upbeat and smiling, they were in pain.  The woman could barely move even with the use of her walker; the man seemed heavily burdened.  She had so much she wanted to do, she said, but her legs were a serious impediment.  He simply nodded as he listened to our chatter.  God, faith, crosses in life— I sensed the struggles.  Yet they were faithful.  And hopeful. 

For whatever reason God had brought us together that evening.  Some longed to believe, to belong, to touch the hem of Jesus to be healed, while others were there to console, to encourage, to simply be whatever God intended.  And, even if ever so briefly, we connected as lifelong friends, baring our true selves among kindred spirits.

O Cotulla, your people are so endearing.  How I long to be there again!










June 19, 2018




June 26, 2018



Blessed St. Joseph…  I consecrate myself to your honor and give myself to you that you may always be my father, my protector, and my guide in the way of salvation.  Obtain for me great purity of heart and a fervent love of the interior life.  After your example, may I perform my actions for the greater glory of God in union with the divine heart of Jesus and the immaculate heart of Mary.  Pray for me, St. Joseph, that I may experience the peace and joy of your holy death (Our Catholic Prayers).

Glorious St. Anthony…  You have exercised the divine power to find what was lost.  Help me to recover the grace of God, and make me zealous in the service of God and in the practice of living the virtues.  Let me find what I have lost, thus showing me the presence of your goodness.

Anthony, glorious servant of God, famous for your merits and powerful miracles, help us to find what was lost.  Give us your help in times of temptation and enlighten our minds in searching the will of God.  Help us to find again the life of grace, which our sin destroyed, and lead us to the possession of the glory promised us by the Savior (St. Anthony of Padua).

Recite an Our Father, a Hail Mary, and a Gloria.

Mother of Perpetual Help…  Grant that I may ever invoke your powerful name, the protection of the living and the salvation of the dying.  Purest Mary, let your name be ever on my lips.  Delay not, blessed lady, to rescue me whenever I call on you.

In my temptations, in my needs, I will never cease to call on you, ever repeating your sacred name, Mary, Mary.  What a consolation, what sweetness, what confidence fills my soul when I utter your sacred name or even only think of you!  I thank the Lord for having given you so sweet, so powerful, so lovely a name.  But I will not be content with merely uttering your name.  Let my love for you prompt me ever to hail you, Mother of Perpetual Help.  Pray for me and grant me the favor I confidently ask of you (Our Catholic Prayers).

Pray three Hail Mary‘s.

Our Lady of Guadalupe…  Dear mother, we love you.  We thank you for your promise to help us in our need.  We trust in your love that dries our tears and comforts us.  Teach us to find our peace in your son, Jesus, and bless us every day of our lives.  Help us to build a shrine in our hearts.  Make it as beautiful as the one built for you on the mount of Tepeyac, a shrine full of trust, hope, and love of Jesus growing stronger each day.

Mary, you have chosen to remain with us by giving us your most wonderful and holy self-image on Juan Diego’s cloak.  May we feel your loving presence as we look upon your face.  Like Juan, give us the courage to bring your message of hope to everyone.  You are our mother and our inspiration.  Hear our prayers and answer us (Catholic News Agency).

Our Lady of Victories…  O sweet and gentle Lady, immaculate mother of God, we beg you to be our mother now and all the days of our life.  Shield us Mother Mary with your holy mantle that nothing of the enemy could harm us.

Ask your son, our Lord Jesus Christ, to spare us from any calamities that will cause our life misery.  Pray for us that we may lead a life pleasing to him and, when our end comes, present us to him [that] we may live in his kingdom forever and ever (Women of Grace).

Our Lady of Victories, please pray for us.

Links of interest…  Cotulla: aboutcounty seat / history / Texas Bucket List…  Feast days of Mary…  Our Lady of Perpetual Help: June 27 (more) / miraculous icon / novena (June 19) / story…  Sacred Heart Church: facebookwebsite…  Texas Tropical Trail

WP posts…  Faith and prayer…  Marian devotions…  Twelve and five

Slice of heaven

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Until December 6, 2013, the only Capuchins Steven and I had met were those affiliated with the Solanus Casey Center in Detroit.  Then we attended Bishop Danny’s annual dinner in Weslaco and learned about the Poor Clares at the Monastery of St. Joseph and St. Rita in Alamo, TX.  Amazing, considering that the only Poor Clares we’d heard about were those whom Fr. Mario had visited in June when he’d taken St. Anthony’s relics to their monastery in the Chicago area.

Clarisas cookies

CPC12613Bishop Danny’s annual fundraiser for the various charities in the diocese was the perfect venue for sales.  The Capuchin Poor Clare nuns had provided a palette of cookies to be sold before the live auction, so Steven purchased a box of Clarisas and quickly handed them to me.  Gingerly examining the container without flipping it over, my fingertips felt something on the underside of the soft plastic container so, naturally, I picked away at it with my nails until the tape gave way.

The neatly folded paper square, once smoothed open, satiated some of our curiosity— when, where, and why the Poor Clares had taken up residence in the Rio Grande Valley and why their cookie sales were so important— but the invitation to prayer immediately propelled us into let’s-check-it-out mode.

We fully intended to visit the Capuchins during the Christmas holidays, so we had work to do.  I’d write to the Sisters and learn more about the chapel, and Steven would search online for a map and directions.

My letter

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Sisters’ email

Subject: Capuchin Poor Clare Nuns – Alamo, TX
Date: Monday, December 23, 2013 9:39 AM

Pax et bonum!

Dear Deli and Esteban Lanoux,

May God reign in your hearts.  Thank you for your letter.  God be your reward.

Ten years ago our monastery was established in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas.  Here, we adore Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.

We’re glad you liked the cookies that we make.  We sell our cookies only at the convent.  We do not sell online because they are very fragile and may break during shipping.  The cookies that you viewed on the website are sold by the Capuchin Sisters of Denver, CO.

We hope to meet you one day and personally thank you for your support.

May God bless you always, especially this Christmas.

In Francis and Clare of Assisi,
Your Capuchin Poor Clare Nuns

St. Joseph and St. Rita Monastery
P. O. Box 1099
Alamo, TX 78516-1099

My response

Subject: Capuchin Poor Clare Nuns – Alamo, TX
Date: Monday, December 23, 2013 9:55 AM

Dearest Sisters,

What a delight to hear from you personally.  Oh, my goodness, yes.  Steven and I will be going down to Brownsville during the Christmas holidays, so we’ve already made plans to go visit you before the New Year.

It’s wonderful to know your monastery is so welcoming, that you responded to my letter right away, and that we can buy your delicious cookies when we’re there at the monastery.  (Something I’ll definitely post on my personal blog!)

God bless y’all most abundantly!

Merry Christmas!

Heartfelt hugs,
Deli & Steven

St. Anthony Guide.

Our visit: December 27, 2013

Reminiscent of Isaiah’s “treasures in secret places” (45:3), Steven and I are always in awe of the wonderful places (and people) we find here and there.  For instance, not long after we arrived at the St. Joseph chapel in Alamo we met three lovely visitors, a mother and her two daughters from south of Houston, in the gift shop in the vestibule.  Like us, they were so taken with their first visit to the Capuchin sacred space that they’ll be returning again and again.

Slice of heaven

SJRM122713-1Before leaving the chapel, Steven lit twelve votive candles for the twelve months in 2014.  As we think back on our visit, our prayers for everyone will be doubly special for having been remembered a year in advance as well as daily wherever we happen to be.

Next, we made our way to the monastery.  When we’d walked the grounds earlier, we’d spotted a family dropping off a box of clothing to one of the Sisters so we thought we might ring the doorbell.  Still, we were reluctant to disturb the Poor Clares, since they’re cloistered nuns.  Even the chapel has the one-way glass panels on either side of the altar so the Sisters can attend Mass unseen by the public.

Standing outside the small, wrought-iron barred patio area in the biting cold, I guess we made enough noise that one of the Poor Clares stepped out of the house to see what we needed.  When we explained that I’d written to let them know we’d be dropping by, Sr. Marta started to let us in but I motioned to her that we didn’t want to intrude.  We merely wanted to leave some items, find out more about the Clarisas cookies— which we now know are sold at Breadsmith in McAllen— and thank them for the invitation to visit their beautiful chapel.

“Oh, you’ve seen it already?” Sister asked.

“Yes.  It’s lovely,” Steven told her.

“Did you photograph it?” Sister asked.

“Yes,” I chuckled.  “We spent about three hours in the chapel, so we had more than enough time to pray and take photos.”

Sister was glad for our visit, and we were most appreciative of Sister’s time.  The day was cold and damp, but we’d enjoyed a very special slice of heaven that day.

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Holy patroness of those in need, St. Rita, so humble, pure, and patient, whose pleadings with your divine spouse are irresistible, obtain for me from the Crucified Christ my request (mention here).  Be kind to me for the greater glory of God, and I promise to honor thee and to sing thy praises forever.  O glorious St. Rita, who miraculously participated in the sorrowful passion of our Lord Jesus Christ, obtain for me the grace to suffer with resignation the troubles of this life and protect me in all my needs (Catholic Digest).

March 19, 2014

How does Joseph respond to his calling to be the protector of Mary, Jesus, and the Church?  By being constantly attentive to God, open to the signs of God’s presence, and receptive to God’s plans, not simply to his own (Pope Francis).

March 24, 2015

“God is so good and merciful that, to obtain heaven, it is sufficient to ask it of him from our hearts” (St. Benedict Joseph Labre).

February 2, 2016

We often think we receive graces and are divinely illuminated by means of brilliant candles.  But from whence comes their light?  From prayers, perhaps, of some humble, hidden soul whose inward shining is not apparent to human eyes (St. Thérèse of Lisieux).

February 28, 2016

“When the afflictions of this life overcome us, let us encourage ourselves to bear them patiently by the hope of heaven” (St. Alphonsus).

April 12, 2016

“The more we indulge ourselves in soft living and pamper our bodies, the more rebellious they will become against the spirit” (St. Rita of Cascia).

March 13, 2017

We engage in works of mercy not so that we can present Saint Peter at the pearly gates with our list of accomplishments but because we cannot live honestly before God and with others unless we are attentive to human need (Pat McCloskey in Peace and Good).

August 11, 2017

While both Clare and Francis left the world to pursue God insofar as they abandoned their status, wealth and security, never did they renounce the world for the sake of God.  Rather, they realized that the created world was the world embraced by God; thus God could not be found apart from the world.  The world, not the monastery, was the true cloister (Ilia Delio, OSF, in Clare of Assisi: A Heart Full of Love).


St. Joseph & St. Rita Monastery – 725 E. Bowie Avenue – Alamo, TX 78516-5500


Links of interest…  Capuchin Poor Clares / chapelcloistered life (more) / historymonastery…  Clarisas: Breadsmithcookies, cleaning, & holiness…  St. Clare: about / companions / don’t bring eggs (article) / enlightened one / little plant or mighty oak / profile / prayers…  St. Joseph: devotionhelps (blog) / in theology (more) / man of virtue – to emulate…  St. Rita: aboutbiographychapletMay 22forty-six miracles / growing in holiness / hope for the impossiblelessonsnational shrineprofile

WP posts…  Budding relationships…  Capuchin Christmas…  Christmas blessings…  Clarisas cookies…  Finding St. Rita…  Pink divinity…  San Giuseppe…  Santo Niño…  St. Felix…  Twelve candles

God’s master plan

Steven and I traveled to Detroit to visit Father Casey’s tomb, but we had no idea what to expect, much less which entrance to take into the building that encompassed the city block across the street from the gated cemetery.


Taking photos in the dimly lit St. Bonaventure Church, I happened to look up and there he was.  St. Joseph!  I’d been so distracted emotionally that I’d failed to notice him sooner.  What surprises do you have in store for us today? I wondered with shivery excitement.

I smiled at the growing number of Joseph-related memories past, present, and future, including our church in Port Aransas, the Capuchin Province managing the Solanus Casey Center and its intricately connected buildings, and the Indian school we’d be visiting two days later in Chamberlain, South Dakota.  I felt so blessed, so happy to sense St. Joseph so near.

Shortly after Steven returned, I left for confession.  And, as he waited for me, a cordial young man offered him a guided tour.  “When my wife finishes, we’ll look for you,” Steven said gratefully.  He was quite surprised that anyone would care to make visitors feel so welcome.

After a little while, I rejoined Steven.  Then, as he told me about the invitation to tour the center, the young man returned all on his own.  And, wouldn’t you know it?  His name was Joseph.

Timely gift

For two-and-a-half hours we relished every moment of our genuinely heartfelt, specially customized “pilgrimage” with Joseph Taylor, Capuchin aspirant.  We talked, laughed, and related to each other as friends sharing priceless stories.

I wanted to remember everything he told us because I wanted to write about our time at the Center.  “May I record your talk?”

Joseph laughed.  No one had asked him that before.  “Sure.”  So this is an excerpt from the edited version.

Three C’s

“Let’s go outside,” Joseph said as he led us through the glass door.

“Oh, my goodness.  It’s beautiful out here!” I gushed.

“This is where a tour usually starts,” Joseph continued.  “This is called the Creation Garden for a few reasons.  Before I explain, let me say that the Center itself focuses on three things: the Capuchins, which is the Order that Solanus Casey belonged to; Christ, of course, Jesus Christ; and Solanus Casey.  So you have three C’s.”

Canticle creations

“Here in the Creation Garden the idea is that St. Francis was totally different from a lot of priests.  He believed that you should love not only God with your whole heart, but also God’s creations.

“A lot of Franciscan monasteries have a place like this where you can blend in the Creation, God’s creation, with everything that you’re doing.  That’s the whole idea.

“St. Francis wrote The Canticle of the Sun.  As you can see, the little frame beside each sculpture displays part of the actual poem.  St. Francis mentions the sun, so we have a sundial.  He mentions the moon, so there are the four phases of the moon.  Brother Sun, Sister Moon.  He wrote about fire, so you have Brother Fire there and Brother Wind, the chimes.  Over here is Sister Mother Earth, and these are Sister Bodily Death and Sister Water.”




“St. Francis wanted to show the various cultures that the Franciscans work with, so each was asked to contribute something different.  For instance, African-Americans from Nigeria designed the wind chimes.

“Now, this obelisk represents water and bears scriptures from the Koran.  When people visit the garden, they look at the sculpture and get a bit confused.  ‘This is a Catholic place.  What’s the Koran, and how does it fit in?’ they wonder.  The idea is to show that Abraham is the father of the three different religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.  Similarly, water is a unifier that brings to mind the four rivers mentioned in the Old Testament.”

Then, the Lord God planted a garden in Eden….  A river rises in Eden to water the garden; beyond there it divides and becomes four branches.  The name of the first is the Pishon; it is the one that winds through the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold.  The name of the second river is the Gihon; it is the one that winds all through the land of Cush.  The name of the third river is the Tigris; it is the one that flows east of Asshur.  The fourth river is the Euphrates (Gn. 2:8, 10-11, 13-14).

St. Francis

“You probably know all this already about St. Francis, but I’m going to talk about it a little bit.  Is that okay?

“Oh, I would love to hear whatever you have to say, Joseph,” I replied.

“Okay, so here’s St. Francis, a poor rich kid.  He does pretty much what he wants to do.  As he gets older, his parents expect more from him.  One of the greatest expectations is for him to be a knight; so, when he comes of age, his parents insist that he join the crusades.  Again, he comes from this wealthy family; so, of course, a lot of what he has is better than what other soldiers have.

“The family has a big parade and a big party for Francis before he goes off to battle.  Only he doesn’t do well on the field.  Francis gets beaten up and becomes a prisoner of war.  His father hears about it and goes off to rescue his son.

“In order to get his son, he has to pay not only for his son’s release, but also for all the other prisoners.  He purchases the prisoners’ freedom.  Then he brings Francis back and leaves him on the outskirts of town.  The father wants Francis to build character, so he can return to war.

“This is the first time Francis has seen the dark side of the world, and he doesn’t like it.  He comes from a rich family, so he’s pretty much gotten everything he’s wanted.  Being a loving man, Francis doesn’t want to fight.  Instead, he wants to show the Muslims the true presence of Christ.

“Francis refuses to obey his father, so he’s disowned.  Francis moves out into the wilderness and starts a life of his own.”


“Of course, the story continues.  St. Francis and his band of brothers go in search of the Islamists to tell them about the true Christ.  When he reaches the leader of the sect, Francis says that war is not of Christ.

“‘We should be brothers and keep the peace.’

“The Islamists, in turn, tell Francis and his band of brothers, ‘Look, we were told to kill you.  That’s our job, to kill Christians.  We should kill you; but, since you so courageously sought us out to share your religious beliefs, we’ll give you safe passage in any Muslim country you choose to travel.’

“For this reason, Sister Water honors the Muslims.  In return for the privilege of passage, Francis honors Muslims with passages from the Koran on the sculpture in his Creation Garden.

“And, even today, Franciscan brothers travel within the various Muslim countries without difficulty.”

Examining the water sculpture, I wondered aloud, “Each one of the sides is different, right?  Or it continues?  Is it a sentence?”

“I’m not sure,” Joseph responded.

StF112312In 1219, as the Fifth Crusade was being fought, Francis crossed enemy lines to gain an audience with Malik al-Kamil, the Sultan of Egypt.  The two talked of war and peace and faith and when Francis returned home, he proposed that his Order of the Friars Minor live peaceably among the followers of Islam— a revolutionary call at a moment when Christendom pinned its hopes for converting Muslims on the battlefield (Moses, 2009).

“Sooo…  What got you interested in doing this?” I asked.

Joseph’s story

“For the most part, I don’t want to stray too far from here,” Joseph began.

“My mother was the first to become a Catholic in her family, and she took pretty much all her brothers and sisters to St. Rose when she was in her teens.  The church is a mile down the road.  St. Rose was in the process of being closed; so Fr. Dave, a Capuchin priest, was asked to take over.  Then, when St. Rose closed, we followed Fr. Dave to his home parish at St. Charles, which had lots of Capuchins.

“As we got to know the Capuchins, we learned not only about St. Charles, but also about St. Bonaventure and a few other churches.  So that’s when the friendship started.”  Joseph then told us how he and his siblings had come to know Father Casey.

“My mom, who’s very, very big on saints, is a very spiritual person.  She first heard the story of Solanus Casey at a point when she couldn’t have kids.  She would come to Father Casey’s tomb, his casket, quite often; so that was part of it.  Then my father became ill after he retired from the police force.  He used a cane, so a few of his buddies would bring him to the healing services every Wednesday.  He would pray all the time.  After that, my sister, the girl over at the front desk, was asked to come work; so she applied for a job.  When she started working, that brought us, the younger crowd, to the Center more.  Then, as the Center became more popular and needed personnel to work weekends, I was asked to be a tour guide.”

“And you’ve been here doing this how long?”

“I’ve been here since January, but I’ve been coming to the Center since it opened in 2002.  This is the first time I’ve been totally active at the Center, though.  During the week, I teach math to seventh-graders in a predominantly Hispanic school so I do this on weekends.”

“And your dad?  How is he doing?”

“He passed away in 2008.  He suffered from a number of illnesses.  He had high blood pressure and diabetes and eventually went blind.  It was sad because he’d been a cop for thirty-one years, and he had all these plans to take a cruise and do a lot of traveling; but his health immediately declined as soon as he retired.  A lot of his buddies, as soon as they retired, got very, very ill.  Quite a few passed away.

“My dad was very active here at the Solanus Casey Center.  Every Wednesday he would come to the healing services.  He’s in a video on Solanus Casey.  My mom would watch the video on EWTN, so we’d see our father on TV.”

“Oh, my goodness!” I enthused, totally caught up in the story.  “So he’s alive forever!

“The video is pretty awesome!” Joseph chuckled, reveling at the thought.

We stood there quietly beaming for a few moments until I remembered that Joseph hadn’t yet told us about the last sculpture.

“Oh, were you were going to explain one last thing?” I asked.

Life and death

“Yes.  This is Sister Bodily Death.” Joseph continued.  “St. Francis wrote about life so a lot of people ask, ‘Where does death fit in?’

“Francis believed that through death you meet Christ.  That’s why he mentioned death last in his poem.  What’s unique is that this piece of burnt tree is from Iowa, not too far from where Solanus Casey and his family lived.  I believe it’s four-thousand years old, and this limestone is almost a million years old.  The wood’s kind of pointing toward the center, since that’s where the journey actually starts.  When I read about death in the poem, I couldn’t grasp it but now I understand.”

“I didn’t know any of that!” I said to Joseph as we made our way back into the building.  “It means a lot to hear your stories.”

Hello, goodbye

A young man and his sister smile from where they stand behind the chest-high receptionist's desk as their male friend stands ready to talk with themAs Joseph stepped behind the welcome desk, he introduced his beloved sister with pride.  Like her brother, Jessica was all smiles and just as sweet.  She was also glad, though in no hurry, to break for lunch as Joseph had anticipated.

“We’ll be back another time!” I chirped as we wistfully said our goodbyes.

“Just keep me in your prayers,” Joseph added, his Cheshire cat grin piquing our curiosity.

“Oh?  Something special coming up?” Steven teased.

“Yesterday morning I submitted my application to the Capuchins, so I’m hoping they’ll accept me.”

“Joseph, that’s great news!” I said excitedly.

“Of course you’ll be accepted!” Steven asserted.

“We’ll definitely keep you and your family in our thoughts and prayers.  I’ll write when we get back to Texas.  Thanks so much for being here for us today!”

God’s master plan

Knowing that Steven and I were on an emotional roller coaster ride, God, in his infinite wisdom, surrounded us with wonderful people— including Wilson (in the striped sweater) and his Uncle Jeff whom we met in church— and gifted us with his goodness and mercy.


Through the expeditious intercessions of both Father Casey and St. Joseph, we were mentally refreshed and spiritually uplifted, too.  Yet, Joseph was the charm.  The stories of Father Casey, St. Francis, and Joseph’s family helped us look beyond ourselves to acknowledge God’s gifts— amazing creations— and appreciate all that we have together.

Our visit to Father Casey’s tomb that day was such an important subchapter in our book of life that we give thanks and praise not only for God’s master plan for us, but also for Joseph’s acceptance into the Capuchin Order and the journey he’s just begun.




Canticle of the sun

Most high, all powerful, all good Lord!  All praise is yours, all glory, all honor, and all blessing.  To you alone, Most High, do they belong.  No mortal lips are worthy to pronounce your name.

Be praised, my Lord, through all your creatures, especially through my Brother Sun, who brings the day; and you give light through him.  And he is beautiful and radiant in all his splendor!  Of you, Most High, he bears the likeness.

Be praised, my Lord, through Sister Moon and the stars; in the heavens you have made them precious and beautiful.

Be praised, my Lord, through Brothers Wind and Air and clouds and storms and all the weather through which you give your creatures sustenance.

Be praised, my Lord, through Sister Water; she is very useful and humble and precious and pure.

Be praised, my Lord, through Brother Fire through whom you brighten the night.  He is beautiful and cheerful and powerful and strong.

Be praised, my Lord, through our sister Mother Earth, who feeds us and rules us and produces various fruits with colored flowers and herbs.

Be praised, my Lord, through those who forgive for love of you, through those who endure sickness and trial.  Happy those who endure in peace; for by you, Most High, they will be crowned.

Be praised, my Lord, through our Sister Bodily Death from whose embrace no living person can escape.  Woe to those who die in mortal sin!  Happy those she finds doing your most holy will.  The second death can do no harm to them.

Praise and bless my Lord and give thanks and serve him with great humility.

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Contact information

Prayer leaflets are from Franciscan Mission Associates, P.O. Box 598, Mt. Vernon, NY 10551-0598.

December 18, 2012

Thank you, Jesus, for the witness of St. Joseph.  By your Spirit, make me as faithful and trusting as he was! (the Word among us, Advent 2012, p. 44).

January 2, 2014

As always, we’re delighted to no end anytime we hear about Joseph through Mary Comfort at the Solanus Casey Guild; his sister, Jessica; and/or from Joseph himself.  He and his family, along with the Capuchins and their associates at the Solanus Casey Center, are in our thoughts and prayers daily.  (Father Ugo Sartorio, OFM-Conv, at St. Anthony’s Basilica in Padua is praying for Joseph, too.)

We’re so very proud of Joseph that we get misty-eyed with every bit of news about him.  The photo on the left was received August 2, 2013; the one on the right, January 2, 2014.

JTaylor8213     JTaylor1214

Merry Christmas.  I haven’t forgotten about you guys.  They keep us really busy here.  Thanks for your support.  Br. Joseph

P.S. Hey, Steve!!

Thank you for heeding the call of service, Brother Joseph!

January 19, 2014

Lord, show me where my obedience falls short of your plans for me.  Teach me to trust in you completely (the Word among us, January 2014, p. 40).

January 26, 2014

“Spiritual joy arises from purity of the heart and perseverance in prayer” (St. Francis of Assisi).

May 1, 2014

In response to Father Larry’s reflection today, Steven wrote the following:

Fr. Larry,

Deli and I were there at the Center April 9 and 10 for the Wednesday healing service and Thursday Day of Reflection.  As always, we were captured emotionally and spiritually by the serenity that abides in the Center.  We also met some of the most beautiful people there, including Sidney, a young man physically challenged by an auto accident when he was a baby, but whose outlook is positive and faith-based.  It was particularly nice to finally meet Mary Comfort in person— a perfect name for someone in her position, as I am sure you are aware.  She has always been so kind and helpful in providing Deli with relic badges for us to provide to others who need intercession and spiritual uplift.

Thank you for your description of the events in St. Peter’s Square last Saturday.  Your tale brought the event to life for me.  I had the opportunity to be present at a General Audience with John Paul II in 2001— I still have my invitation, now framed and hung in our home.  I wear a replica of the crucifix fixed atop his ferula (that I obtained at the Vatican), and it now reminds me that I have been privileged to hear a Saint speak.  Truly you are blessed to have shaken hands with His Holiness and conversed directly with him.

May God bless you and the staff at the Center; all of the Friars and Brothers; Capuchins throughout the world, both ordained and seminarian (especially Joseph Taylor); and the faithful who ask, seek, and knock.

Vivat Jesus!

Steve Lanoux
Solanus Casey Guild life member

May 24, 2014

This photo is from the letter received from Br. John Celichowski with the Province of St. Joseph of the Capuchin Order.  Br. Joseph is on the right.


May 29, 2014

Great news!!!  Father Larry’s reflection, “New Capuchin,” arrived this morning.

Fr. Larry gave classes recently to the 21 Capuchin Novices from the US at the Novitiate in California.  Among them is Br. Joseph Taylor who, for several months, worked as our weekend assistant at the Solanus Casey Center.  His sister Jessica is one of our receptionists.  Brother Joseph will finish his Novitiate and make his first vows as a Capuchin in July.  Keep him and all the Novices in your prayers as well as praying for more Capuchin Vocations!

Joseph, we’re over-the-moon happy for you and your family!

June 1, 2014

Where there is charity and wisdom, there is neither fear nor ignorance.  Where there is patience and humility, there is neither anger nor vexation.  Where there is poverty and joy, there is neither greed nor avarice.  Where there is peace and meditation, there is neither anxiety nor doubt (St. Francis of Assisi).

October 4, 2014

Every day Jesus humbles himself just as he did when he came from his heavenly throne into the Virgin’s womb; every day he comes to us and lets us see him in abjection when he descends from the bosom of the Father into the hands of the priest at the altar (St. Francis of Assisi).

Let us love God and adore him with pure heart and mind (St. Francis of Assisi).

May 8, 2015

“By the anxieties and worries of this life Satan tries to dull man’s heart and make a dwelling for himself there” (St. Francis of Assisi).

June 23, 2015

“All a person’s holiness, perfection, and profit lies in doing God’s will perfectly” (St. Joseph Cafasso).

September 27, 2015

“A single act of resignation to the divine will in what it ordains contrary to our desires is of more value than a hundred thousand successes conformable to our will and taste” (St. Vincent de Paul).

March 8, 2016

“Have charity first towards our own souls, cleansing them by confession and penance; then charity towards our neighbors and our brethren, wishing them that which we desire ourselves” (St. John of God).

April 21, 2017

The [Franciscan] order was founded by a layman, Francis of Assisi, who was never ordained a priest.  The charism of the order was not tied to ordination, but to a life of following the Gospel in a radical way (Hermann Schaluck, OFM general minister, 1994; Friars of the Capuchin Franciscan Province of St. Joseph, 2017: 1097, p. 3).

June 18, 2017

Most high, glorious God, enlighten the shadows of our hearts; and grant to us a right faith, a certain hope, and perfect charity so that we may accomplish your holy will.  As we walk in the footsteps of St. Francis of Assisi, give us a spirit of poverty and humility so that we may be united with Jesus, your son, in joy and in peace (Stephen J. Binz in Saint Junipero Serra’s Camino: A Pilgrimage Guide to the California Missions).

July 13, 2017

That is very simply what a pilgrim does: walk.  And it is the way the pilgrim prays, with his or her feet.  And the feet walk through dark clouds to illumination to the light that is holy action.  Through dark, cloud-filled days to a hint of subtle lightening to the sun breaking through, the feet taking us where we least thought we’d go, where before we had thought darkness dwelt, and finding there instead, in bright sunlight, the broken, the poor, the marginal, those made ugly or disfigured by abuse and oppression and woundedness.  We are changed simply by walking, rain or shine, toward and back from whatever shrine we had thought contained our hope and longing.  We walk back toward what was there all along that we could not see (Murray Bodo, OFM, in Enter Assisi: An Invitation to Franciscan Spirituality).

October 21, 2017

Saint Francis spent almost half of his life on and in the mountains, and the other half he spent on the road entering and leaving cities.  As Jesus walked up the mountain to pray, then descended and moved among the people, so did Francis and the early brothers, discovering, contemplating, and sanctifying new places, as they continued to walk beyond their own history, as do we if we learn to walk into and out of our own Assisi as pilgrims.

To be a pilgrim means to let go of the need to be attached to one place only.  Space, in turn, then becomes the place that home usually is.  It requires traveling lightly, open to and expecting surprises and blessings from those we meet along the way— a foretaste of journey’s end (Murray Bodo, OFM in Enter Assisi: An Invitation to Franciscan Spirituality).

June 5, 2020

“Let us preach the whole of God’s plan to the powerful and the humble, to rich and poor, to men of every rank and age as far as God gives us the strength, in season and out” (St. Boniface).

Links of interest…  Canticle of the Sun: about / prayer / video (YouTube)…  Capuchin Franciscans: blog / life / ministries / websiteweekly re:cap (Joseph: #927, 9.7.12)…  Celebrating 800 years in the Holy Land / God’s creation…  Father Abraham: about / family / lyrics / music & craft / song (YT)…  Franciscan Mission Associates…  Franciscan idea of ministry that has much to say to deaconssaints calendar…  How I made friends with St. Joseph / the scallop shell became a symbol of pilgrimage…  Saint & the sultan: book / encounter of peace between Christians & Muslimsfifth crusadeforgotten incident / reflection (blog)…  Simple holiness: A day in the life of a Capuchin Franciscan novice…  Solanus Casey Center: creation garden (YT) / guild / home / shrine / virtual tour…  St. Francis of Assisi: 10+ ideas for kids / answering God’s call / getting to know the real / what we can learn / without gloss…  St. Joseph: devotion / helps (blog) / in theology (more) / man of virtueto emulate

WP posts…  Call of service…  Capuchin church stations…  Mercy and justice…  Quiet prayer time…  Solano, Solanus, Solani…  St. Bonaventure Church…  Today’s Beatitudes

San Giuseppe


Perhaps you know a Joseph?  Originally Hebrew, יוֹסֵף (Yosef) means God will increase.

During the Middle Ages the people of Sicily were starving.  The drought had ruined their crops, so they were desperate for a miracle.  If St. Joseph would save the town from this horrible plight, Sicilians would honor him with altars of food to be shared with everyone, rich and poor alike, they vowed.  Legend has it that at midnight, March 19, their prayers were answered.  The rain restored the land, and the town was spared from the famine.

Table altars

Since then, St. Joseph devotees have set up traditional table altars with all sorts of delicacies— entrees, breads, desserts, and other special delights— perfect for the Lenten season.  Moreover, in Italy, residences that honor St. Joseph display olive branches over the front door to let others know about the table altar within waiting to be shared.



Consecration…  O, my beloved St. Joseph, adopt me as your child, take care of my salvation, watch over me day and night, preserve me from the occasion of sin, and obtain for me purity of soul and body!  Through your intercession with Jesus grant me a spirit of sacrifice, humility, and self-denial; a burning love for Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament; and a sweet, tender love for Mary, my mother.

St. Joseph, be with me living, be with me dying, and obtain for me a favorable judgment from Jesus, my merciful savior.

Daily offering…  O blessed St. Joseph, faithful guardian to whom God entrusted Jesus and Mary, I implore you by the love which you did bear them, to preserve me from every defilement of soul and body that I may always serve them in holiness and purity of love.

For fathers…  Gracious God, you chose St. Joseph to be the foster father of your beloved son, Jesus, and filled his heart with tender love and great joy.  Bless all fathers with the same tenderness and give them a share in the same joy.  We ask this through Christ our Lord.

For protection…  Almighty God, who gave to the just man from Nazareth, St. Joseph, the privilege of serving as earthly father to Jesus, your son, through his intercession, watch over our families and guide us in your ways.  May this son of David, in whom the shoot from the stump of Jesse has blossomed, guide your people with care and protect your Church from harm.  United with Mary, his spouse, and Jesus, our Lord, may we be joined forever in the joys of your heavenly kingdom (Franciscan Media).

Because you were the watchful guardian of the holy family, please watch over us, Christ’s chosen offspring.  Like an alert father, kindly keep far from us every taint of error or corruption.  From your place of glory on high, come to aid us in our conflict with the powers of darkness.

V.  St. Joseph, whom the infant Jesus so much loved…
R.  Please grant us what we ask.

Assist us, Lord, by the merits of your foster father, St. Joseph, spouse of your most holy mother.  May his help gain for us what our own efforts cannot.  This we ask through you who live and reign with God the Father in the union of the Holy Spirit, one God, for all the ages.

Model for laborers…  Silent carpenter of Nazareth, by the work of your hands you gave your contribution to the work of the Creator.  Your hands earned your living, and you provided for the needs of the Holy Family.  Intercede for all workers in the difficulties of their daily lives.  Be with the unemployed in their anxieties for tomorrow so that, through the guidance of God, they all may use their strength and talents to make visible God’s new creation.  With confidence and trust, we make this prayer through Jesus (Marin Brown with Unbound).

Petition…  O blessed St. Joseph, tender-hearted father, faithful guardian of Jesus, chaste spouse of the Mother of God, I pray you join with me in praising God, the Father, through his divine son who died on the cross and rose again to give us sinners new life.  Through the holy name of Jesus pray with me that we may obtain from the eternal Father the favor we ask… (state intention).

We have been unfaithful to the unfailing love of God, the Father.  Beg of Jesus mercy for us, his brothers and sisters.  Amid the splendors of God’s loving presence do not forget the sorrows of those who weep.  By your prayers and those of your most holy spouse, our blessed Lady, may the love of Jesus answer our call of confident hope.

Request…  To you, blessed Joseph, we come with confidence in this, our hour of need, trusting in your powerful protection.  Your loving service to the Immaculate Virgin Mother of God and your fatherly affection for the Child Jesus inspire us with faith in the power of your intercession before the throne of God.

We pray, first of all, for the Church, that it may be free from error and corruption and that it be a shining light of universal love and justice.  We ask your intercession for our loved ones in their trials and adversities, that they may be inspired by the love, obedience and affection of the Holy Family and be to each other a mutual source of consolation and Christian fidelity.  We ask your intercession also for our special need… (mention desired grace).

Keep us one and all under your protection so that, strengthened by your example and assistance, we may lead a holy life, die a happy death, and come to the possession of everlasting happiness in heaven (Salesian Missions).

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Contact information

The colorful prayer leaflets are from Franciscan Mission Associates, P.O. Box 598, Mt. Vernon, NY 10551-0598; the brown-colored prayers, from Our Lady of the Rosary Library, 11721 Hidden Creek Road Prospect, KY 40059-9503.

March 19, 2013

Lord, give me the faith of St. Joseph.  Help me hear your words clearly, and give me the courage to respond faithfully to the plan that you have for my life (the Word among us, Lent 2013, p. 58).

March 2, 2014

Everyone must know that, after the Mother of God, St. Joseph is, of all the saints, the one dearest to God.  He has, therefore, great power with him and can obtain graces for his devout clients (St. Alphonsus Liguori).

March 7, 2014

St Joseph was an ordinary sort of man on whom God relied to do great things.  He did exactly what the Lord wanted him to do, in each and every event that went to make up his life.  That is why scripture praises Joseph as “a just man” (St. Josemaría Escrivá).

March 10, 2014

St. Joseph was a just man, a tireless worker, the upright guardian of those entrusted to his care.  May he always guard, protect, and enlighten families (Pope John Paul II).

March 19, 2014

He was chosen by the eternal Father as the trustworthy guardian and protector of his greatest treasures, namely, his divine Son and Mary, Joseph’s wife.  He carried out this vocation with complete fidelity until, at last, God called him saying, “Good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of your Lord (St. Bernardine of Siena).

March 22, 2014

“However many saints you have as your intercessors, be especially devoted to St. Joseph, who can obtain a great deal from God” (St. Teresa of Avila).

January 10, 2017

A hero is cultivated by countless— often unnoticed— actions.  They are ordinary humans— you and me— who direct their decisions and actions to be strengthened by goodness, compassion, integrity, and righteousness (Bear Woznick in Deep Adventure).

January 22, 2017

“In Joseph… the Lord found a man after his own heart to whom he could safely entrust the most holy and hidden secrets” (St. Bernard).

March 18, 2017

St. Joseph was chosen among all men to be the protector and guardian of the Virgin Mother of God; the defender and foster father of the Infant God; and the only co-operator upon earth, the one confidant of the secret of God in the work of the redemption of mankind (St. Bernard of Clairvaux).

March 19, 2017

Let us allow ourselves to be “infected” by St. Joseph’s silence!  We need it greatly, in a world that is often too noisy, that does not favor meditation or listening to the voice of God (Pope Benedict XVI).

March 20, 2017

When you invoke St. Joseph you don’t have to say much.  Say, “If you were in my place, St. Joseph, what would you do?  Well, pray for this on my behalf” (St. André Bessette).

March 27, 2017

Those who give themselves to prayer should in a special manner have always a devotion to St. Joseph; for I know not how any man can think of the Queen of the angels, during the time that she suffered so much with the Infant Jesus, without giving thanks to St. Joseph for the services he rendered them then (St. Teresa of Ávila).

May 22, 2017

Almighty God, who gave to the just man from Nazareth, St. Joseph, the privilege of serving as earthly father to Jesus, your son, through his intercession, watch over our families and guide us in your ways.  May this son of David, in whom the shoot from the stump of Jesse has blossomed, guide your people with care and protect your Church from harm.  United with Mary, his spouse, and Jesus, our Lord, may we be joined forever in the joys of your heavenly kingdom (Stephen J. Binz in Saint Junipero Serra’s Camino: A Pilgrimage Guide to the California Missions).

March 21, 2024

Put a statue of St. Joseph in the middle [of a partially built chapel].  If he wants a roof over his head, he’ll get it (St. André Bessette).


St. Joseph & St. Rita Monastery – Alamo, TX


St. Jude Thaddeus Church – Pharr, TX

Links of interest…  Father shares ten most important things he learned after losing his three-year-old son…  Guide to holiness: BeDADitudes…  How I made friends with Joseph…  I am Yosef…  Prayers before workconsecration / powerful novena / seventhirty-day devotion…  St. Joseph: about / blog / dignity of work / living out Advent / name / perfect model of fatherhoodpresent or absent at the visitation / quick quiz / reasons to love / saint of the childhood of Jesus / solemnity (reflection) / staircase / table altars…  St. Teresa of Avila: St. Joseph, wonder-worker, is waiting to bless you…  Were Jesus & Joseph really carpenters…  What did St. Joseph actually do as a carpenter…  Why wasn’t Joseph at the crucifixion…  Zeppole: cream puffs (bright) / video (YT)…

WP page…  St. Joseph

WP posts…  Budding relationships…  God’s master plan…  St. Joseph

Budding relationships

SJC4311-95      SJC4311-93

Growing up, I knew about God, Mary, Joseph, and Jesus but not really about the saints.

Jesus, son of God and son of Mary, bless our family.  Graciously inspire in us the unity, peace, and mutual love that you found in your own family in the little town of Nazareth.

Mary, mother of Jesus and our mother, nourish our family with your faith and your love.  Keep us close to your son, Jesus, in all our sorrows and joys.

Joseph, foster-father to Jesus, guardian and spouse of Mary, keep our family safe from harm.  Help us in all times of discouragement or anxiety.

Holy family of Nazareth, make our family one with you.  Help us to be instruments of peace.  Grant that love, strengthened by grace, may prove mightier than all the weaknesses and trials through which our families sometimes pass.  May we always have God at the center of our hearts and homes until we are all one family, happy and at peace in our true home with you.

Other than developing a lifelong personal relationship with St. Jude and St. Anthony along the way, I didn’t delve into the lives of the other saints until I created our church website, May 2008.  So maybe I was supposed to learn about them on my own?

St. Martin of Tours

As a child I often wondered about the picture high up on the wall above the front door.  Since we didn’t have photos of anyone on the walls of our house, I always thought that the man over the door had to have been someone special.  But why was he slashing his red cloak in two?  Never mind that he was atop his horse as a barely clothed man sat on the ground below.  I just didn’t get it.  Who was he? 

Although I never thought to ask about him then, I now know a bit more about St. Martin of Tours, as he’s “one of the most familiar and recognizable Christian saints… a spiritual bridge across Europe… a patron saint of soldiers and horses” (Wikipedia, 2011).

Lord God of hosts, you clothed your servant, Martin, the soldier, with the spirit of sacrifice and set him as a bishop in your Church to be a defender of the Catholic faith.  Give us grace to follow in his holy steps that at the last we may be found clothed with righteousness in the dwellings of peace.

St. Jude Thaddeus

When I was nine or so, mom heard about a church in Pharr, TX that had an outdoor shrine devoted to St. Jude; so off we went after work one evening.

I still vividly recall mom’s fascination with St. Jude.

“Look.  He has only one horn left to show that his evil gave way to good,” Mom said.  “St. Jude betrayed Jesus, but God’s unconditional love transformed him.  Now he’s the saint of impossible causes.”

Even at my young age the story didn’t make sense.  One horn?  How can that be?

By the time the topic of St. Jude’s horn came up again, I was an adult who’d learned that Judas Iscariot is sometimes mistaken for St. Jude Thaddeus and vice versa.  Additionally, “Saint Jude is depicted with a tongue of fire over his head to signify that with the other apostles he was present at Pentecost” (Eparchy of St. Maron, 2008).

I gently shared this information with mom but she didn’t quite believe me, and I was fine with that.

What matters is that I’ve come to know St. Jude as a powerful intercessor.  One I call on only when I’m facing a truly exasperating dilemma beyond my problem solving capability, as with the kids and/or grandkids.

St. Jude, through prayer you praised God for the wonderful works of Jesus.  You asked God for the strength to meet the challenges of your apostolate.  You put your trust in God’s mercy, believing firmly that God loved you and understood your joys and sorrows, your hopes and fears, and your triumphs and failures.  You understood that nothing is impossible for God.  We ask you to pray for us now before the Most High so that we, too, might be filled with God’s saving power, understand God’s will for us, and faithfully place ourselves in God’s loving hands.

St. Anthony of Padua

On the other hand, my unfaltering companion since age thirteen has been St. Anthony.  I learned about him from my great-aunt, Tía Queta.

Always patient, loving, kind, and willing to help, St. Anthony’s devotion to the Holy Infant has inspired me not only to look for the Infant whenever we visit a church for the first time, but also to return occasionally to familiar churches… St. Paul the Apostle Church in Flour Bluff and the Cathedral in Corpus Christi, TX… where the Holy Infant is venerated.  “For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be” (Mt. 6:21).

O Holy St. Anthony, your deep faith in Jesus Christ comforted your heart, especially during times of trial and distress.  Help me to grow in faith, so I may experience peace of mind and heart in my present needs.  (State request.)  Free me from undue anxiety, needless worry, and burdensome fears.  Grant me sure confidence, unfailing trust in God’s loving mercy, and daily serenity.

St. Thérèse

Over the years, too, I’ve learned that it’s not uncommon for St. Anthony to be displayed near St. Thérèse, since they’re both closely affiliated with the Holy Infant.  The church in Budapest, Hungary, for instance, has the two saints facing each other from opposite sides of the center aisle as one enters the seating area.

Lord, grant that I may always allow myself to be guided by you, always follow your plans, and perfectly accomplish your holy will.  Grant that in all things, great and small, today and all the days of my life, I may do whatever you require of me.  Help me respond to the slightest prompting of your grace so that I may be your trustworthy instrument for your honor.  May your will be done in time and in eternity by me, in me, and through me.

Moreover, parishes I’ve frequented that honor St. Anthony, St. Thérèse, and the Holy Infant include Sacred Heart Church and the Immaculate Conception Cathedral in Brownsville, TX; Sts. Cyril & Methodius Church in Corpus Christi, TX; St. Pius V in Chicago, IL; and two churches that Segy and I visited in Gyor, Hungary and Prague, Czech Republic.




Budding relationships

Of course, had Segy and I not been parishioners at Sacred Heart, I never would’ve made the connection between St. Anthony and St. Thérèse, much less traveled to Europe to see the original Infant Jesus statue at Our Lady of Victory Church in Prague.

Divine Infant Jesus, I know you love me and would never leave me.  I thank you for your close presence in my life.  Miraculous Infant, I believe in your promise of peace, blessings, and freedom from want.  I place every need and care in your hands.  Lord Jesus, may I always trust in your generous mercy and love.  I want to honor and praise you now and forever.

The way I see it, God’s master plan for me has included not only a heartfelt devotion to the Holy Infant, but also budding relationships with his beloved saints who are always ready, willing, and able to intercede for us any time we choose to call on them.

November 1, 2012

“When we commemorate the saints, we are inflamed with another yearning: That Christ, our life, may also appear to us as he appeared to them and that we may one day share in his glory” (St. Bernard of Clairvaux).

November 11, 2014

“Allow me, brothers, to look toward heaven rather than at the earth so that my spirit may set on the right course when the time comes for me to go on my journey to the Lord” (St. Martin of Tours).

October 31, 2015

“The saints have not all started well, but they have all finished well” (St. John Vianney).

November 1, 2015

“On the feasts of the saints, consider their virtues and beseech God to deign to adorn you with them” (St. Teresa of Ávila).

November 11, 2015

“O God, who sees that we exist by no power of our own, mercifully grant that, by the intercession of blessed Martin, your confessor and bishop, we be strengthened against all adversities” (Unknown source).

March 19, 2016

If we falter, let us turn to Holy Mary, who loves us and teaches us how to pray; and to St. Joseph, our father and lord, whom we venerate so much.  In this world he was the one who was closest to the Mother of God and, after Mary, to her Divine Son.  Together they will bring our weakness to Jesus so that he may turn it into strength (St. Josemaría Escrivá).

October 30, 2016

“Each generation is converted by the saint who contradicts it most” (G. K. Chesterton).

November 11, 2016

Lord, if your people need me, I will not refuse the work.  Your will be done (St. Martin of Tours).

April 13, 2017

The calendar of saints should remind us of the unreliability of appearances.  Theirs is a greatness grander than size and a prominence more cogent than popularity (Rev. George W. Rutler in Hints of Heaven).

November 1, 2017

“The saints were just like us… with one difference: they strove, in everything they did, to discover Jesus and to live as signs and servants of his presence” (Fr. Joseph Esper in Saintly Solutions to Life’s Common Problems).

November 11, 2017

The Church has given us the gift of the saints to show that God does great things in people’s lives.  The saints, after all, were ordinary people, too.  They needed to call on the Lord for help.

By actively praising God and giving thanks, our hearts will find the resting place that we so desire (Jeff Cavins in Praise God and Thank Him: Biblical Keys to a Joyful Life).

November 1, 2018

The light of [the saints’] example shines down on us and makes it easier sometimes to see what we ought to do.  They can help us with their prayers— strong prayers, wise prayers— when ours are feeble and blind.  When you look out on a November evening and see the sky all studded with stars, think of those innumerable saints in heaven, all ready to help you (R.A. Knox).

August 8, 2019

“To believe in saints means only to sense in them God’s presence” (St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross in Edith Stein: The Life and Legacy of St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross).

June 25, 2020

Saints are ordinary people with the compassion of the Father in their souls, the humility of Jesus in their minds, and the love of the Spirit in their hearts.  When these beautiful qualities grow day by day in everyday situations, holiness is born (Mother Angelica’s Guide to Practical Holiness).

St. Benedict Church – San Benito, TX


St. Joseph Church – Port Aransas, TX

Links of interest…  Alban ButlerLives of the Saints…  Ancient, secular reason why saints are shown with halos…  Apostles, major saints, & feast days…  Artist John McCoy paints the saints for Michigan parish…  Being spiritually active in everyday life…  Church of Our Lady Victorious…  Does praying to the saints mean they’re gods…  Four soon-to-be saints…  Friendship with the saints / with Christ Jesus…  Four saints who weren’t consecrated religious…  Introducing the saints to your children…  Jesus, Mary, & the saints…  Love that lies beneath…  November 1: All Saints & 2: All Souls / communion…  Patron saint of missing socks, pray for us…  Prague: Christmas / tours / travel guide…  Prayer to the saints: One in the body…  Sainthood isn’t for the strong…  Saints: calendars & feast days / for Pentecost / friendshipordinary people driven by great loveour friends in a really high placeovercoming boredomresource / stories for all ages / teach us how to trust God / who is a saint / why we love the saints…  Society of the Little Flower…  Spy Wednesday (Judas Iscariot)…  Stories, traditions keep devotions to the saints alive…  St. Anthony: about (more) / biography / devotions / mail deliveries (S.A.G.) / miracles & traditions / shrine / wonder worker…  St. Jude Thaddeus: symbols / who he is…  St. Martin of Tours: about / legacy / Nov 11 / novenapatron saint / profile  St. Thérèse: about / who is…  Strange gods before me: Do Catholics worship saints & statues…  Ten ways to grow in friendship with Jesus & Mary...  There is still no patron saint for pizza

WP posts…  Disquieting moments…  Heart of hearts…  Kindred acorns…  Si quaeris miracula…  St. Anthony Claret…  St. Jude novena