November 2023

A fallen spade-shaped green leaf with yellow veins on a short, thin stem on a concrete surface

The ol’ pea brain processes information at warp speed and goes off on many tangents, but only meaningful connections— usually prompted by discomforting disequilibrium— impact real learning.

The following homily, delivered at St. John the Evangelist Church in Greenfield, WI, on July 13, 2023, by Fr. Dominic, was recorded, transcribed, and edited (Lanoux, November 7, 2023).

Today we gather to celebrate God’s love, God’s mercy.  Quite an interesting story about Joseph in the first reading, isn’t it? [Genesis 44-45].  Imagine if something like that happened in your life, something that you couldn’t understand.  Maybe you even got angry?  But then, looking back in time, it all made perfect sense.

Back in 1979, I had returned from Bangladesh when I was recalled for another five years.  After the fourth year, I wrote a letter reminding my provincial that “my last year is just beginning, so I expect to be reassigned to Bangladesh.”  The provincial came to my room and said, “Your request was accepted, but the provincial council (of five people) is asking that you stay one more year so we can find your replacement.”  I told the provincial, “What kind of a game is this?  You say yes, but you also expect me to say yes to an additional year?  Then, if I say no, I’m the one who feels guilty?”

I said yes, of course.  And, after the sixth year, I took my sabbatical in Italy before departing for Bangladesh.  But, what happened because of that one-year delay?  Within two weeks of my arrival in Italy, my dad passed away unexpectedly.  Then, thirty-seven days later, mom passed away.  So, my one yes to God made it possible to be by the bedside of my father and my mother when they died.  I was present for their funerals and stayed close to my grieving sister with whom my parents had lived since I’d first studied in Rome.  This experience was an eye-opener for me!  It told me how generous God is when we give him a little bit.  “Delay one year.”  Think of all that God gave me.

Have you ever been afraid to say yes to God?  I don’t know what’s coming.  I don’t know what I might have to deal with.  If you say yes to God’s plan, he gives you the strength, the courage, the ability to do what he wants from you.  Experience his generosity.  God always gives plenty more than we ask.  So, if he asks for a sacrifice— regardless of what it is— will you be able to say yes?  Don’t be afraid.  Then, too, maybe you already have a similar story to tell about having said yes to God? 

In my younger days if I had twelve o’clock Mass on Sunday— I’m a Packers fan, you know; I’ve been in Wisconsin a long time— I would sometimes ask another priest to trade with me.  “Would you mind taking noon Mass so I can do seven o’clock in the morning?  I don’t want to miss the Packers.”  That’s how important their games were.  Am I richer or poorer for having missed a Packers game?  No!  What matters is that I was finally able to say yes, miss the games, and do what was expected.

Today’s first reading tells us that Joseph was sold because his brothers were jealous.  But, God had a plan and, years later, Joseph saved his brothers and his dad from famine.  May you and I put on the right glasses to look at situations from different perspectives.  Think what we might see not with our eyes, but with God’s!  Then, everything will be clear, understandable, and even acceptable.  God bless you.

November mailing (English & Spanish)

Tondo of a fallen spade-shaped green leaf with yellow veins on a thin stem on a concrete surfaceSmall singular flower among the greenery at ground level off concrete surfaceTondo of a fallen spade-shaped green leaf with yellow veins on a thin stem on a concrete surfaceSAC11723-S2a

Horizontal oval of three plumeria blooms and two budsBoardwalk leading to the beach with the glowing sunrise and clouds aboveHorizontal oval of three plumeria blooms and two budsBoardwalk leading to the beach with the glowing sunrise and clouds above

Left top & bottom: Hallway with glass windows opposite doors and artwork / right center: Music of the Heart sculpture of Fr. Casey playing violin    Four depictions of the spiritual Works of Mercy with text at the bottom / right: Three depictions of the spiritual Works of Mercy with text at the bottom

Left top & bottom: Hallway with glass windows opposite doors and artwork / right center: Music of the Heart sculpture of Fr. Casey playing violin    Left top & center: Four depictions of the spiritual Works of Mercy with text at the bottom / right: Three depictions of the spiritual Works of Mercy with text at the bottom

Prayerful thought

Then Joseph said to his brothers, “Come closer to me.”  And they came closer.  He said, “I am your brother, Joseph, whom you sold into Egypt.  Please do not be distressed, or angry with yourselves, for having sold me here.  God sent me here ahead of you so that I could save your lives” (Genesis 45:1-5).


Blessings 2024…  April 2024…  February 2024…  January 2024…  March 2024

Blessings 2023…  April 2023…  August 2023…  Christ’s glory…  Christmas 2023…  December 2023…  February 2023…  Flame within…  God’s gift…  January 2023…  July 2023…  June 2023…  Love’s heart…  March 2023…  May 2023…  October 2023…  September 2023

Blessings 2022…  August 2022…  December 2022…  Journey’s light…  July 2022…  June 2022…  Kiss of God…  May 2022…  Mourning joy…  November 2022…  October 2022…  October saints…  Presence…  September 2022…  Sight…  Sitka’s St. Michael…  St. Michael prayers

4 Responses

  1. Thank you!! 👍🙏💖

  2. The reader should not overlook the symbology in the photo at the top of the post. Note how the veins in the leaf all rise upward. “All glory and praise to the Lord.” Just as we lift our arms in supplication or joy, so too the leaf raises its veins to God.

    A bit more subtle is the tie to the Genesis story of Joseph. Genesis is one of the five books of the Hebrew Torah (the Pentateuch to Christians), making it one of the holiest of the books in the Bible. The story is about how Joseph— a savior, if you will— was able to save Israel from starvation. Israel honored and praised God after their salvation, no doubt raising their arms to the heavens.

    Finally, the leaf replicates the raised arms of the Jewish Menorah, the Jewish tree of life that is lit to honor God.

    The Franciscans and creation spirituality teach us to observe God’s presence in all things. See how a simple leaf brings together history, culture, religion, and praise-giving? Is not God’s world magnificent?

    Thank you, Lord, for these simple wonders!

    • A simple leaf from the Indian Coral tree (Erythrina variegata) went unnoticed by everyone else that damp, chilly day at River’s End Nursery. Thankfully, my third eye caught it before the wind did and here, years later, that beautiful fallen leaf is front and center with many connections past, present, and future. Thanks for your illuminating insight!

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