March 2024

Palm Sunday altar with empty jugs on a mat on the floor in front of the altar and a ceiling-to-floor curtain with narrow purple curtain on either side on the back wall. To the left are three full-sized plain, dark-wood crosses--- the tallest in the center draped in red--- with palm fronds and ceramic containers around them on the floor. Palm fronds adorn the back wall, too.

I’m ever so grateful for our faith-filled journey.  God is truly amazing.

The following homily, delivered by Fr. Mike at St. John the Evangelist Church in Greenfield, WI, on March 24, 2024, was recorded, transcribed, and edited (Lanoux).

Sundays throughout the year we hear that Jesus is on his way to Jerusalem.  As we begin Holy Week today, the first gospel tells us that Jesus was welcomed with great jubilation— people were shouting and parading with leafy palm branches in their hands— while the second gospel ends with great sorrow.  But, we might ask, what happened to all those palms two thousand years ago?

Today, we remember that poignant celebration with the blessing of palms.  And, after Mass, we’ll pick up every little piece off the floor because they’re sacramentals: daily reminders that Christ, our savior, suffered with great humility and rose to new life.

During Lent I invite parishioners to return their old palms, which will be burned and used on Ash Wednesday of the following year, when we’re blessed with the sign of the cross that we may repent and believe in the gospel.  So, as I looked at the old palms, some were creatively woven while others were as straight as when they first left church.  But, the one palm with its burnt tip reminded me of Aunt Dorothy, who raised her family on the same street where I grew up.  On her upright piano she kept a little altar with a statue of St. Joseph, pictures of the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart, and her palm.  Then, as needed during tornado season in June and July, she’d light the tip of the palm and pray as she waited out the storm in the basement.  Growing up in New Berlin all those years we never had a tornado, probably thanks to faithful women like Aunt Dorothy.

Today, as we gather with our blessed palms, take yours home and put it in a place of reverence, perhaps behind your crucifix or in a vase.  Then, before a storm or during difficult times, burn the palm’s tip and ask God’s special blessing.

In times of joy and in times of sorrow may we invite Jesus into our lives.  May our blessed palm be a reminder that Jesus is with us, inviting us as we invite him to journey together not just through the suffering, but also to the good news of the resurrection.

One of my former pastors said, “Holy Week should never be lived like the other fifty-one weeks in the year.”  Almost forty days ago, we began the Lenten season with the admonition to pray, fast, and give alms.  Some of us have struggled and some of us have been faithful.  But, wherever we find ourselves, may we continue to invite Jesus into our lives.  May our eyes remain focused on Jesus crucified as a reminder of God’s love, forgiveness, and mercy.  And, may we share our love and our mercy with one another.

March mailing (English & Spanish)

Top center: Palm Sunday altar with empty jugs on a mat on the floor in front of the altar and a ceiling-to-floor curtain with narrow purple curtain on either side on the back wall. To the left are three full-sized plain, dark-wood crosses--- the tallest in the center draped in red--- with palm fronds and ceramic containers around them on the floor. Palm fronds adorn the back wall, too.Bottom center: Within an oval, a palm blade cross with a rose-and-stem that are held in place by circular weaving. In the background is a cotton, multi-colored placemat.Top center: Palm Sunday altar with empty jugs on a mat on the floor in front of the altar and a ceiling-to-floor curtain with narrow purple curtain on either side on the back wall. To the left are three full-sized plain, dark-wood crosses--- the tallest in the center draped in red--- with palm fronds and ceramic containers around them on the floor. Palm fronds adorn the back wall, too.Bottom center: Within an oval, a palm blade cross with a rose-and-stem that are held in place by circular weaving. In the background is a cotton, multi-colored placemat.

Top center: A rectangular perspective of flaming-red coreopsis with yellow centers radiating toward the petals’ tips.Bottom center: Palm Sunday altar--- off-white granite with a dark-brown Chi Rho symbol on the front--- with a red mantle, short, stout, cylindrical candles on either end; and the book of prayer open at the center. Along the back wall behind the altar are Mary on the left, Joseph on the right, and Jesus, crucified, draped in red. Palm fronds adorn the bases of the saints and the tabernacle area below the cross.Top center: A rectangular perspective of flaming-red coreopsis with yellow centers radiating toward the petals’ tips.Bottom center: Palm Sunday altar--- off-white granite with a dark-brown Chi Rho symbol on the front--- with a red mantle, short, stout, cylindrical candles on either end; and the book of prayer open at the center. Along the back wall behind the altar are Mary on the left, Joseph on the right, and Jesus, crucified, draped in red. Palm fronds adorn the bases of the saints and the tabernacle area below the cross.

Left top: Lenten altar with the crucified Christ, center, draped in purple; Mary on the left & Joseph on the right, each with a sheer curtain panel behind them. / Right center: Oval of a full-sized cross draped in red, with a crown of thorns at the center where the head of Jesus would be. At the base is a whip and three large spikes on a red cloth.    Left: Stained-glass windows of the first nine stations of the cross. / Right: Stained-glass windows of the last five stations of the cross with a tiny oval depiction of Jesus on the cross, draped in purple, with a kneeling angel on either side of the base.

Left top: Lenten altar with the crucified Christ, center, draped in purple; Mary on the left & Joseph on the right, each with a sheer curtain panel behind them. / Right center: Oval of a full-sized cross draped in red, with a crown of thorns at the center where the head of Jesus would be. At the base is a whip and three large spikes on a red cloth.    Left: Stained-glass windows of the first nine stations of the cross. / Right: Stained-glass windows of the last five stations of the cross with a tiny oval depiction of Jesus on the cross, draped in purple, with a kneeling angel on either side of the base.

Prayerful thoughts

Dear God, your love for us is deep and mysterious.  In this time of anxiety, bless us with the strength and the wisdom to place our trust in you.  As your son, Jesus, prayed for resolve in the garden, so may we have the resolve to endure our current trials.  As he sacrificed his life out of love for us, may we dedicate our own sacrifices, big and small, to the care of our world, especially those most in need (Larry Livingston).

Most gracious and loving God, on the night of Jesus’s birth, his cry burst into song and changed history.  As he grew, his teachings became life-changing songs of love.  When he was tried, crucified, and then died, the world thought his song was silenced.  His resurrection brought forth a glorious song of unending love.  Help us never to forget that, if Christ’s song is to continue, we must do the singing.  May we sing a jubilant song of faith, hope, love, and justice on earth as it is in heaven.  In Christ we pray (Pittsburg Theological Seminary).

“Throughout the year, those palm branch pieces can be a continuing reminder of how much [God] loves me and how deeply I want to respond, ‘Hosanna!  Save me, dear Jesus!’” (Angela Maynard).


Blessings 2024…  April 2024…  January 2024…  February 2024

Blessings 2023…  April 2023…  August 2023…  Christ’s glory…  Christmas 2023…  February 2023…  Flame within…  God’s gift…  January 2023…  July 2023…  June 2023…  Love’s heart…  March 2023…  May 2023…  November 2023…    October 2023…  September 2023

Blessings 2022…  August 2022…  December 2022…  Journey’s light…  July 2022…  June 2022…  Kiss of God…  May 2022…  Mourning joy…  November 2022…  October 2022…  October saints…  Presence…  September 2022…  Sight…  Sitka’s St. Michael…  St. Michael prayers

Christ’s glory

Tondo of the Risen Christ surrounded by angels in a heavenly-blue scene

A few days before Easter 2014, I received a shocking request in a dream.  A man unequivocally stated, “I want you to write about the resurrection.”  Naturally, I was quite taken aback!  What am I supposed to say when I’ve never questioned it? I wondered.  But, was the expectation even real?  The directive weighed on me like a term paper.  I thought and thought, tried to ignore it, and hoped the obligation would go away, as in, Why me?!!

Thankfully, my teacher brain took over.  Explaining the resurrection is like teaching a math concept, I realized.  The concrete (seen) leads to the abstract (sensed) because the two are related.

God, invisible father, understands human nature: Seeing is believing!  For people to accept that he truly exists, God had to reveal himself through Jesus, faithful emissary and real presence.  Then, when Jesus vanished from the tomb after the crucifixion, he appeared to Mary Magdalene, knowing that she’d hurry to tell others about his resurrection.  Afterwards, too, Jesus appeared to the apostles in hiding so that the doubting Thomas could touch his wounds and believe.  Jesus had fulfilled his mission and was headed home to God, the father.  Another would take his place, Jesus told them, so those in hiding understood what was about to happen: The Holy Spirit would help preserve not just our memory of Jesus, but also God’s promise of unconditional love.  And, the ultimate lesson?  God showed us the way home through Jesus.

April mailing (English & Spanish)

Tondo of the Risen Christ surrounded by angels in a heavenly-blue scene (top)Lilies in an outdoor gardenTondo of the Risen Christ surrounded by angels in a heavenly-blue scene (top)Lillies in an outdoor garden

Left: Divine Mercy Jesus on stained-glass background / right: Risen Christ on a large silver and blue cross    Left: Risen Jesus stained-glass window / right: Risen Jesus painting above tabernacle with pink flowers on either side

Left: Divine Mercy Jesus on stained-glass background / right: Risen Christ on a large silver and blue cross    Left: Risen Jesus stained-glass window / right: Risen Jesus painting above tabernacle with pink flowers on either side

Prayerful thoughts

Glorious St. Thomas, your grief for Jesus was such that it would not let you believe he had risen unless you actually saw him and touched his wounds.  But your love for Jesus was equally great, and it led you to give up your life for him.  Pray for us that we may grieve for our sins, which were the cause of Christ’s sufferings.  Help us to spend ourselves in his service and so earn the title of “blessed” which Jesus applied to those who believe in him without seeing him (Daily Bread).

God of heaven and earth, I pause to give you thanks for the gift of life and the promise of life everlasting.  Amid the challenges of this world, help me to see the precious moments of your grace.  Constantly renew my faith as I live in the power of the resurrection (Pittsburg Theological Seminary).

God was incomprehensible, inapproachable, invisible, and hard to imagine.  He became man, came close to us in a manger so that we could see and understand him (St. Bernard of Clairvaux).

“Jesus revealed to us the divinity of God, making it possible for us to enter into a profound relationship with him” (Fr. Maurice Emelu).

Lord, the resurrection of your Son has given us new life and renewed hope.  Help us to live as new people in pursuit of the Christian ideal.  Grant us wisdom to know what we must do, the will to want to do it, the courage to undertake it, the perseverance to continue to do it, and the strength to complete it (New Saint Joseph People’s Prayer Book).

Risen One, truth-bringer, open my heart to hear your voice.  May I listen deeply even when tears of sorrow moisten my heart.  Erase my resistance to the surprising ways you choose to enter my life (Joyce Rupp).

“We proclaim the resurrection of Christ when his light illuminates the dark moments of our existence” (Pope Francis).


Blessings 2024…  April 2024…  February 2024…  January 2024…  March 2024

Blessings 2023…  April 2023…  August 2023…  Christmas 2023…  December 2023…  February 2023…  Flame within…  God’s gift…  January 2023…  July 2023…  June 2023…  Love’s heart…  March 2023…  May 2023…  November 2023…  October 2023…  September 2023

Blessings 2022…  August 2022…  December 2022…  Journey’s light…  July 2022…  June 2022…  Kiss of God…  May 2022…  Mourning joy…  November 2022…  October 2022…  October saints…  Presence…  September 2022…  Sight…  Sitka’s St. Michael…  St. Michael prayers

Concrete abstraction


A few days before Easter I received a surprising request in a dream.  A man told me, “I want you to write about the resurrection.”

And what am I supposed to say when I’ve never questioned it? 

The directive weighed on me like a term paper.  I thought and thought, tried to ignore it, felt discomforting disequilibrium beyond the beyond, and hoped it would go away.  Yet I knew the message would bug me until I dealt with the assignment.  So, even if I didn’t want to comply, I felt obliged to see the task through to completion.

Shared thoughts

The following month Mary B stayed at her beach house, so I rode my bike over for an afternoon visit.  I took my Bible and the Word among us, since I’d read an interesting article I wanted to talk to her about.

“What do you think about the resurrection?” I brazenly asked, not knowing how she’d respond (react), being that we could get into differences of opinion really fast.

Mary wasn’t surprised by my question.  We talk pretty much about everything, namely our beloved grandkids.  But our spirituality is so intricately woven into our everyday lives that religious perspectives aren’t separate topics.

Sticky conversations aside, we both attended Catholic school as kids.  But Mary has been Methodist her whole life, so her opinions always seem to matter more than mine!

Making meaning

Regardless, I took the plunge and found myself explaining the resurrection out loud not to Mary, but to myself with the classroom in mind.

This is like the Sharon Wells approach to math.  Kids have to work with the concrete before they can understand the abstract.  At the start of each week’s math concept kids work with hands-on activities.  Then, midweek, they progress to the mental math.  In my classroom we reviewed, quizzed, and retaught on Thursday to gauge mastery for Friday’s test.  My kids were great teachers.  We cheered each other on.  We were all responsible for our collective (and individual) success.

From that perspective the resurrection made perfect sense!

God knew that people couldn’t fathom the abstract without first experiencing the concrete.  This is why he sent Jesus to live among his people.  And, when Jesus vanished from the tomb, he appeared to Mary Magdalene so she’d tell the others.  Then, when the apostles were in hiding, Jesus appeared once more.  He wanted Thomas to see him and touch his wounds so he’d stop doubting.

The Paraclete on Pentecost was the transition between the concrete and the abstract.

Concrete abstraction

The way that I checked for understanding through Thursday’s quiz was the way that God checked for understanding through Jesus.  Once the apostles and the others in hiding understood what was about to happen— that Jesus had to leave but that the Paraclete would take his place— God knew he’d successfully taught his lesson.

The Holy Spirit is the abstraction that restores our memory of the concrete Jesus!

Not only that, I believe that Jesus was just an instrument in God’s master plan.  God understood human nature: Seeing is believing!  So, for people to believe in God— and know he’s real— he had to reveal himself through Jesus.  Otherwise, how would we know that he’s always here for us and that he loves us unconditionally?

“Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed” (Jn. 20:29).

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O Holy Spirit, in these days of doubt, confusion, and uncertainty, come into our hearts with your light, your strength, and your consolation.

Come with the light of truth and teach us the will of God in our daily living, especially now when God’s basic laws are challenged or ignored.

Come with your strength that purifies our heart and our desires and guards us against the danger of pride and self-conceit.

Bring your consolation so that, with a heart attuned to your holy love, we may live in peace and harmony in our families and give to our communities the spirit of cooperation, tolerance, and understanding.

O God, you have instructed the faithful with the light of the Holy Spirit.  Grant that, through this same Holy Spirit, we may be truly wise and enjoy his consolation always.  Amen.

OLCC6714-69Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and enkindle in them the fire of your love.  Send forth your spirit and they shall be created, and you shall renew the face of the earth.

O God, you have taught the hearts of the faithful by the light of the Holy Spirit.  Grant that, by the gift of the same Spirit, we may be always truly wise and ever rejoice in his consolation.  Through Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Come, Holy Spirit, fill my heart with your holy gifts.

Let my weakness be penetrated with your strength this very day that I may fulfill all the duties of my state conscientiously so that I may do what is right and just.  Let my charity be such as to offend no one and hurt no one’s feelings, so generous as to pardon sincerely any wrong done to me.

Assist me, O Holy Spirit, in all my trials of life, enlighten me in my ignorance, advise me in my doubts, strengthen me in my weakness, help me in all my needs, protect me in temptations, and console me in afflictions.

Graciously hear me, O Holy Spirit, and pour your light into my heart, my soul, and my mind.

Assist me to life a holy life and to grow in goodness and grace.  Amen.

God of grace, thank you for loving us and showing us the way to a personal relationship with you through your son, Jesus.  We are thankful for his birth and for his saving grace on the cross.  Teach us how to respond to such love by loving one another.

Holy Trinity…  Glory be to the Father, who by his almighty power and love created me, making me in the image and likeness of God.  Glory to the Son, who by his precious blood delivered me from hell and opened for me the gates of heaven.  Glory be to the Holy Spirit, who has sanctified me in the sacrament of baptism and continues to sanctify me by the graces I receive daily from his bounty.  Glory be to the three adorable persons of the Holy Trinity now and forever.

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Contact information

To receive prayer leaflets like the one on the Holy Spirit (R-12 R), contact Franciscan Mission Associates, P.O. Box 598, Mt. Vernon, NY 10551-0598.

January 10, 2013

God was incomprehensible, inapproachable, invisible, and hard to imagine.  He became man, came close to us in a manger so that we could see and understand him (St. Bernard of Clairvaux).

August 24, 2013

Come, Holy Spirit, open my eyes to the glory of God that is all around me.  Help me to see Jesus with the eyes of faith, so I can become his witness (the Word among us, July/August 2013, p. 74).

October 30, 2013

The Spirit comes to the aid of our weaknesses for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes with inexpressible groanings.  And the one who searches hearts knows what is the intention of the Spirit because he intercedes for the holy ones according to God’s will (Rom. 8:26-27).

January 2, 2014

“The spirit raises our hearts to heaven, guides the steps of the weak, and brings perfection to those who are making progress” (St. Basil the Great).

April 20, 2014

Resurrectio Domini, spes nostra!  The resurrection of the Lord is our hope! (St. Augustine).

May 29, 2014

“If the sun is going down, look up at the stars” (Fr. Francis Xavier Lasance).

July 3, 2014

O Glorious St. Thomas, your grief for Jesus was such that it would not let you believe he had risen unless you actually saw him and touched his wounds.  But your love for Jesus was equally great, and it led you to give up your life for him.  Pray for us that we may grieve for our sins, which were the cause of Christ’s sufferings.  Help us to spend ourselves in his service and so earn the title of “blessed” which Jesus applied to those who believe in him without seeing him.

August 1, 2014

“Realize that you may gain more in a quarter of an hour of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament than in all other practices of the day” (St. Alphonsus Liguori).

August 2, 2014

“Happy is the soul that knows how to find Jesus in the Eucharist and, in the Eucharist, all things!” (St. Peter Julian Eymard).

August 6, 2014

“At his Transfiguration, Christ showed his disciples the splendor of his beauty, to which he will shape and color those who are his: ‘He will reform our lowness configured to the body of his glory'” (Phil. 3:21; St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae).

May 14, 2015

From the first till the last, every grace has passed and will pass through Mary.  Just as she prayed to the Holy Spirit to come upon the apostles, she will do for all till the end of the world (Bl. James Alberione).

May 15, 2015

Whom do we want to win the battle for our mind: the flesh or the Holy Spirit?  If we want the Holy Spirit to prevail, we’ll need to take an active, rather than a passive, approach.  Unless we actively present our minds to the Lord, we’ll allow our thoughts to welcome among them the voices of evil.  Taking active concert for our minds involves both refusing the influence of the flesh and yielding to the grace of the Spirit (Bert Ghezzi, 2001).

May 17, 2015

Do you realize that Jesus is there in the tabernacle expressly for you, for you alone?  He burns with the desire to come into your heart (St. Thérèse of Lisieux).

May 19, 2015

The Holy Spirit is the fire of charity which burned up the apostles from the moment of Pentecost, when it kindled in them the flames of divine love until there was no longer love of self left in their souls.  “Our God is a consuming fire” (Dom Hubert Van Zeller in How to find God).

May 23, 2015

Be ever mindful of the Holy Spirit who is within you, and carefully cultivate purity of soul and body.  Faithfully obey his divine inspirations so that you may bring forth the fruits of the spirit— charity, joy, peace, patience, benignity, goodness, long-suffering, mildness, faith, modesty, continency, chastity (Chaplet of the Holy Spirit, 1892).

May 24, 2015

“Father of Light from whom every good gift comes, send your Spirit into our lives with the power of a mighty wind and, by the flame of your wisdom, open the horizons of our minds” (Pentecost morning prayer).

November 14, 2015

For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God.  He was put to death in the body but made alive in the Spirit (1 Pt. 3:18).

December 10, 2015

“Those whose hearts are pure are temples of the Holy Spirit” (St. Lucy).

December 25, 2015

God becoming man is the great message of his love.  In it we humans see God’s face (St. Hildegard of Bingen).

April 10, 2016

“Faith in the resurrection of Christ never misleads us and hope in our own resurrection never deceives us because God… restored our Lord to life and will restore us to life, too, by his power” (St. Bede the Venerable).

April 2, 2017

“Jesus said to her, ‘Did I not tell you that if you believe you will see the glory of God?’” (Jn. 11:40).

April 11, 2017

The Holy Spirit gives us wisdom.  In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus told his disciples not to worry because the Holy Spirit would tell them what to say.  When you face tough choices, pray for the Holy Spirit’s guidance to know what is right and for the strength to do it (Bob Rice in A 40-Day Spiritual Workout for Catholics).

April 16, 2017

“Jesus’s resurrection has formed a bridge between the world and eternal life over which every man and every woman can cross to reach the true goal of our earthly pilgrimage” (Pope Benedict XVI).

May 20, 2018

“Rejoicing and eternal praise be to you, my Lord Jesus Christ, who sent the Holy Spirit into the hearts of your disciples” (St. Bridget of Sweden).

May 21, 2018

On Pentecost, the Church was born with an unprecedented degree of freedom.  As God had once given the law to Moses, so now he gave his own Spirit to the Church (Mike Aquilina in The Apostles and Their Times).

June 18, 2018

“Jesus revealed to us the divinity of God, making it possible for us to enter into a profound relationship with him” (Fr. Maurice Emelu in Our Journey to God: An African Priest Explores the Power of Faith).

April 22, 2019

Love is the energy that sustains the universe, moving us toward a future of resurrection.  We do not even need to call it love or God or resurrection for its work to be done (Richard Rohr, OFM).

April 29, 2019

Jesus came to give us the courage to trust and allow our inherent union with God, and he modeled it for us in this world.  Union is not a place we go to later— if we are good; union is the place from which we come, the place from which we’re called to live now (Rohr).

April 30, 2019

The here-and-now has the power to become the gateway and the breakthrough point to the universal.  The concrete, the specific, the physical, the here-and-now— when we can be present to it in all of its ordinariness— becomes the gateway to the Eternal.  Please trust me on that and don’t dare dismiss it until and unless you have tried it.  One completely loved thing is all it takes (Rohr).

April 2, 2020

O God of heaven and earth, I pause to give thanks to you for the gift of life and the promise of life everlasting.  Amid the challenges of this world, help me to see the precious moments of your grace.  Constantly renew my faith as I live in the power of the resurrection.  These things I pray in the glorious name of Jesus, our Blessed Savior (Pittsburg Theological Seminary).



Links of interest…  28 different ways to pray (more)…  Alleluia…  Ascension of our Lordour Christian vocation…  Before the Age of Starbucks…  Bert Ghezzi: blog & more / booksGetting free: How to overcome persistent personal problems / interview…  Catholic Exchange…  Chaplet to the Holy Spirit:  chapletlitany…  Come, Holy Spirit…  Christianity is more than getting out of hell…  Defending the truth of the resurrection…  Did Jesus appear to his mother after the resurrection…  Dom Hubert Van Zeller, OSB (1905-1984): aboutbooks (moretitles) / correspondence with Merton / Gospel priesthood / How to find God…  Easter Sunday: articles / beginning to understand…  Ezekiel’s extraordinary vision of the resurrection…  Holy Spirit: five ways to incorporate / invoking…  Monasteries: Cistercian / Clairvaux / lessons from  Novena to the Holy Spirit: kindle a fire within / prayers: one & two – printable (pdf)…  On Pentecost the Holy Spirit reveals unity in diversity…  Pittsburg Theological Seminary: Advent & Lent devotionals & archive…  Primacy of Mary Magdalene…  Resurrection: first Easterforgotten tenet of Christian faith / meaning / why we get our bodies back…  Seeing & believing…  Signs & symbols of Easter…  St. Bernard of Clairvaux…  St. Teresa of Avila & the power of holy water…  Stations of the resurrection  Ten ways to open up to the Holy Spirit…  Thinking Faith…  What is mystogogy / the disciples’ doubt about the resurrection teaches us…  the Word among us…  Wounds of Christ & doubt of Thomas

WP posts…  Backtracking…  Dear God…  Dying to live…  Growing pains…  Picturing God…  Prayerful ways…  Seven dwelling places…  Simple yet profound…  Two angels