January 2023

Nativity scene with the Magi approaching from the left

Epiphany, with its kings and traditions, marks the end of Christmas.

For el Día de los Reyes Magos, our school principal would host an after-school celebration.  Then, the teachers who found the ten little plastic babies in their servings of cake would share the expense of hosting a party before the start of Lent.  But what was the fuss all about?  I’d never heard of the custom and didn’t care to participate.  Yet, I still have my five king cake babies.

Fast forward to 2017.  Kevin, our precocious Unbound-sponsored child from Merida, sounded like a broken record.  At year’s end he’d ask if I, as a little girl, had written to Los Reyes Magos to be assured of gifts the morning of Epiphany.  At first his obsession with toys, toys, and more toys seemed a bit much— Santa had left him plenty already!— but, with each passing year, I realized that Kevin’s mindset was evolving.  He would ask for toys, yes.  But he would also ask for special blessings: good health for ailing family members, food for children around the world, and more.  Then, last year, Kevin became so other-focused in his letter to the Magi that, according to his mom, he was willing to forego the gifts as long as his grandmother recovered from her illness and others received what they needed— a far cry from toys and parties!

Over time, my precious Kevin became synonymous with Three Kings Day.  He helped change my perspective as well.  Kevin would be proud to know that, this year, I even wrote my letters.  I’ll never tell him, though.  Last spring Unbound met its goals in Merida.  Sponsored children and elders were exited from the program, and Unbound relocated to another community in need.

So, traditions at home or at work, like the baby cake celebrations— and/or those at church, like the blessing of gold, frankincense, myrrh, water, and chalk— can be festive and everlasting.  How better to memorialize Three Kings Day than to bring home the gifts of the Magi, recite the day’s prayers, and bless every room in the house!  Thanks to Kevin, Epiphany for me is an extraordinary tradition with blessings and memories to last a lifetime.

January mailing (English & Spanish)

Jan mailing - Epiphany - prayerful thoughts - E1Jan 2023 - Epiphany - prayerful thoughts E2Jan 2023 - Epiphany p.1 SJan 2023 - Epiphany S2

Jan mailing - Epiphany - 2E1January mailing - thoughts on Epiphany - two photos at bottom: King cake & Rosca de Reyes - E2Jan mailing - Epiphany - 2S1Jan mailing - Epiphany - 2S2

Magi kings - photos, quotes, prayer - E1    Magi kings - photos, quotes, prayer - E2

Magi kings - photos, quotes, prayer - E1    Magi kings - photos, quotes, prayer - S2

Prayerful thoughts

Gracious God, thank you for the gift of your Son, Jesus Christ.  As we wait for the arrival of the Magi, we remember that you became incarnate for the forgiveness of sins and the victory over death— for us.  Help us to act as those who have been called by you to believe in Jesus Christ.  Help us to proclaim your good news to others even beyond this season (Rev. Dawn R. Sherwood).

Lord, let us join your messengers in bringing peace and joy into places overrun with despair.  Let us join their singing, proclaiming hope is found in you alone.  Let the whole world see your goodness, faithfulness, and love (Rev. Dr. Susan L. Moudry).

Loving God, help us to recognize your presence in all we meet.  Give us the wisdom to reverence you by serving our sisters and brothers.  In all we do, may love for you be our strength and our guiding star (Larry Livingston).

Loving God, Mary, Joseph, and your son, Jesus, were visited by the Magi.  They were poor and surely astounded by such wonderful gifts that were brought to them.  Yet they were a gift to their visitors from distant lands.  Open our eyes and help us to see the gifts of love that come our way, gifts that may be small in material value, but rich in love and faith (Fr. John Anglin, OFM).

Open wide your door to the one who comes.  Open the depths of your heart to see the riches of simplicity, the treasures of peace, the sweetness of grace.  Open your heart and run to meet the Sun of eternal light that illuminates all men (Leaflet Missal Company).

The star beckoned the three wise men out of their distant country and led them to recognize and adore the king of heaven and earth.  The obedience of the star calls us to imitate its humble service: To be servants, as best we can, of the grace that invites all men to find Christ (St. Leo the Great).

Today, the Magi story combines with our reading from Isaiah to remind us that Emmanuel is still waiting to be discovered in what we might think are the most unlikely places and by the most unlikely people (Mary M. McGlone, CSJ).


Blessings 2024…  April 2024…  February 2024…  January 2024…  March 2024

Blessings2023…  April 2023…  August 2023…  Christ’s glory…  Christmas 2023…  December 2023…  February 2023…  Flame within…  God’s gift…  July 2023…  June 2023…  Love’s heart…  March 2023…  May 2023…  November 2023…  October 2023…  September 2023

Blessings 2022…  August 2022…  December 2022…  Journey’s light…  July 2022…  June 2022…  Kiss of God…  May 2022…  Mourning joy…  November 2022…  October 2022…  October saints…  Presence…  September 2022…  Sight…  Sitka’s St. Michael…  St. Michael prayers