San Juan Diego


Steven and I returned to Our Lady of Guadalupe a third time and felt very much at home.  As if we’d never left.  Eddie and Henry were all smiles.  Sister Armida, readying for summer Bible camp, was her sweet self.  And Fr. Acosta, as animated as ever, encouraged us to unite as a church community, while others clearly demonstrated that mantra through their inclusiveness of us.

Lively spirit

After Mass, we lingered for a while.  The church always comes alive after five o’clock Mass!  Families waiting patiently to baptize their children advance toward the altar, while couples awaiting the wedding afterwards stand out on the front steps until it’s their turn.  Others just observe, converse quietly, or stand around.  In awe, I guess.  Fr. Acosta is so energized that he’s a sight to behold!


San Juan Diego

One change was apparent, however.  The Easter cross by the ambo had been replaced by a statue of San Juan Diego, which quickly reminded me of our visit to the Tepeyac shrine near the Oblate Madonna Residence in San Antonio.




San Juan Diego, you now enjoy the beatific vision of God and the company of our beautiful Mother Mary.  On this, your feast day, we ask that you and Our Lady of Guadalupe pray for us that we may never fear to boldly proclaim the truth in the hope that, if each of us does our part no matter how small, millions will come to know God (Catholic Exchange).

scm111712-16For employment…  Dear Juan Diego, when the Lady of Tepeyac Hill gave you her picture, she also gave you a task to fill your days with happy labor.  It was your privilege and joy to spend the hours caring for the chapel of the tilma, telling its story to those who came there.  Here, the time of your earthly pilgrimage passed quickly and happily because you worked for Our Lady of Guadalupe.

Dear Juan Diego, please help me find steady employment that my time and talent may be devoted to the tasks suited to my nature and ability.

May my hours of toil give fair return and more to him who hires me.  May my work not be done for mere profit or just to make a living.  Rather, may it be done to make of myself one more able to honor the Creator.  May it be done with reverence and appreciation of the materials, all supplied by God, and only modified by man.  May my work be done to enjoy the benefits of skilled and honest craftsmanship.  And, especially, let my work be done to make known and lead others to love the same Lady you serve so well.  Through Christ, our Lord (Andrew Cusak).

sjt102916-87For sanctification of one’s work…  Lord God, by the labor of men and women, you govern and guide to perfection the work of creation.  Hear our prayers and give all people work that enhances their human dignity and draws them closer to each other in the service of their brothers and sisters (One Body, One Spirit).

Petition…  Dear St. Juan Diego, at Tepeyac Our Lady told you, “I am your mother.  Are you not under my protection?  Why do you fear, if you are in my mantle and in my arms?”

In your humility, you were altogether necessary in God’s plan.  Confidently, you faced a skeptical Bishop Zumarraga, presenting him with roses which miraculously grew on the hillside.  Wondrously, the image of the Virgin appeared on your tilma!

Because of your faithfulness the gospel of Our Lord spread through Mary’s image, and many people came to believe in him.  Your devotion lives on in the people of Mexico, the Americas, and the whole world.

St. Juan Diego, please pray for me….  May Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mother of the true God, bring all peoples to Jesus, her son.  Through Christ, our Lord (Aquinas & more).

To Juan Diego…  You who were chosen by Our Lady of Guadalupe as an instrument to show your people and the world that the way of Christianity is one of love, compassion, understanding, values, sacrifices, repentance of our sins, appreciation and respect for God’s creation, and most of all one of humility and obedience.

You, whom we know are now in the kingdom of the Lord and close to our Mother, be our angel and protect us.  Stay with us as we struggle in this modern life often not knowing where to set our priorities.

Help us to pray to our God to obtain the gifts of the Holy Spirit and use them for the good of humanity and the good of our Church, through the heart of Our Lady of Guadalupe to the heart of Jesus (Bridge Building).

StAP21212-105To Our Lady…  Dear Mother, we love you!  We thank you for your promise to help us in our need.  We trust in your love that dries our tears and comforts us.

Teach us to find our peace in your son, Jesus, and bless us every day of our lives.  Help us to build a shrine in our hearts.  Make it as beautiful as the one built for you on the Mount of Tepeyac: a shrine full of trust, hope, and love of Jesus growing stronger each day.

Mary, you have chosen to remain with us by giving us your most wonderful and holy self-image on Juan Diego’s cloak.  May we feel your loving presence as we look upon your face.

Like Juan, give us the courage to bring your message of hope to everyone.  You are our Mother and our inspiration.  Hear our prayers and answer us (UDayton).

December 9, 2014

Beloved Juan Diego, “the talking eagle,” show us the way that leads to “the dark virgin” of Tepeyac, that she may receive us in the depths of her heart, for she is the loving, compassionate mother who guides us to the true God (Pope St. John Paul II).

December 9, 2015

Am I not here who am your Mother?  Are you not under my shadow and protections?  Am I not the fountain of your joy?  Are you not in the fold of my mantle, in the cradle of my arms? (Our Lady to San Juan Diego).

“Juan Diego discovered the profound truth of the new humanity in which all are called to be children of God” (St. John Paul II).

December 9, 2016

Do not be frightened or grieve or let your heart be dismayed.  Am I not here, I who am your Mother?  And is not my help a refuge? (Our Lady to San Juan Diego).


Our Lady of the Assumption – Ingleside, TX

Pdf file…  Father Acosta’s homily / prayer

Links of interest…  Five saints of color…  Guadalupe Tepeyac: basilica / brochure / movie (YT)…  Missionaries of Jesus…  One Body, One Spirit…  Our Lady of Guadalupe: abbey / about / arch of triumph / church (Brownsville, TX) / December 12thprayers / shrine…  San Juan Diego: biography (JPII homily) / feast  (Dec 9) / model of humility / movie (YT) / new world apostle / ordinary son of Mary / prayer for happy employment / talking eagle / tilma…  With St. Juan Diego to the merciful Mother

WP posts…  Christ’s sacred heart…  Father’s guided tour…  God’s lovely gifts…  Guadalupe Church…  Our Lady…  Our Lady’s church